
10 types of B2B marketing videos your company needs to know about The best types of B2B marketing videos to try today


B2B Video

When approaching other businesses, you should be considering video for B2B; a B2B video marketing strategy is one of the most effective ways to market yourself. Using video for B2B doesn’t have to be complex or boring – going with a creative company for B2B video production can inject vibrancy and excitement into your marketing. Video for B2B is not only incredibly persuasive and visually stimulating but there are different ways to target your specific audience with different types of B2B videos. 

We have already listed some of our best B2B marketing videos tips, but this article will be going over 10 types of B2B marketing videos that you can use as part of your B2B marketing strategy.

1. Explainer video B2B

An explainer video is a short video whose aim is to highlight what your business does, and the purpose of your product or service. You could show your audience how to use your product to get the best results for their business. You could also demonstrate a variety of situations where your product will be useful to them.

2. Brand video

A brand video is the perfect way to introduce your brand to your audience. In this style of video, you’re introducing who you are and what you do. It’s a real opportunity to flesh out your brand identity, give your viewers a sense of your company culture and values, and how this shapes your service. A brand video can be a chance to have fun with your marketing content as you show your brand personality and why you stand out amongst the competition.

Types of B2B marketing video


3. Product demo

Product demo videos are quickly becoming very popular amongst marketers because it is a way of highlighting the benefits of your product without feeling like you are giving your audience the hard sell. Rather than convincing your audience of why they need your product, you are showing them how the product will add value to their lives. That being said, a product demo tool can speed up the process of product demonstration and enhance overall viewer engagement by offering interactive elements.

4. Behind the scenes

‘Behind the scenes’ videos are the perfect way to show the human side of your business (and a good format to consider if you’re interested in creating a viral B2B marketing video). Rather than coming across as a faceless corporation, you can show the real people behind the scenes of your business. This will humanise your company, and create a lasting impression of authenticity. This gives the audience a chance to connect with you and helps build your trustworthiness. This format is also perfect for social media, as it has a more personal feel. 

5. Customer testimonials

People are social creatures, so we take the opinions of others seriously. This is why it’s a very effective marketing tactic to provide social evidence from someone who doesn’t stand to gain anything from sharing their opinion. With customer testimonial videos, your bonafide customers are showing why your product or service is exceptional in their personal experience. Because customer testimonials show authentic evidence of your product, they are incredibly powerful.

6. Tutorial

Whether your product is physical or digital, it will benefit from a tutorial. As with an explainer video, a tutorial is an informative marketing video. However, rather than simply explaining what the product is for, a tutorial video is a step-by-step explanation and tutorial for how to use your product. This is beneficial as it can convince your customer to purchase with full confidence, as they know exactly how to use the product. Tutorials are proven to reduce return rates and help-desk calls. 

7. Case study

Case study videos are comparable to testimonial videos as they are very customer-centric. However, customer testimonials are very product-focused, where the customer is very obviously reviewing the product. A case study takes a more holistic approach, as it follows the customer’s journey with the brand and product, and they highlight how the product has fulfilled a need and improved their life.

8. Pre-event videos

Pre-event videos are an important part of your pre-event engagement strategy. It is essentially a trailer for your event, helping to raise awareness of the event and build hype. Pre-event videos can include film from past versions of the event such as snippets of speeches and entertainment, words from the organisers of the event and what it’s about, or preparation footage.

B2B marketing video


9. Post-event videos

Post-event videos are a significant way of engaging your attendees after the event. These will include footage from the event, such as comments from attendees, words from organisers, and recordings of speakers and entertainment. This recap of the night will help to solidify the success of the event as it reminds the attendees of their great experience; it can also be a great teaser or even a full catch-up for those unable to make the event itself. 

10. Communications

Communications videos are a way of keeping your audience in the loop about upcoming developments. This is a great way to promote your company as it creates a sense of excitement about company news such as new initiatives within the company. 


As you can see, there are plenty of options for B2B video marketing – will you be going with one video as part of your B2B strategy, or maybe even all of them? 

If you need a videographer for your B2B video strategy, book with Splento. We provide you with only the top-rated professional photographers to help you create a high-quality, fully edited B2B video, at only £149 an hour. Contact us today to discuss your project with a team member.



1. What are the benefits of using B2B marketing videos? B2B marketing videos can significantly enhance your company’s engagement with its audience. They provide a dynamic way to communicate complex information, boost brand awareness, increase conversion rates, and improve SEO. Videos also help in building trust with your audience by showcasing your products, services, and company culture.

2. How do B2B marketing videos differ from B2C videos? B2B marketing videos focus on building relationships and providing value to other businesses. They often include detailed product demos, case studies, and expert interviews. In contrast, B2C videos are generally more emotional and geared towards capturing the attention of individual consumers quickly.

3. What types of B2B marketing videos should my company create first? Start with explainer videos to clarify your products or services, customer testimonials to build trust, and product demos to showcase your offerings. These types of videos address common questions and pain points of your potential clients, making them essential for initial engagement.

4. How can I measure the success of my B2B marketing videos? Success can be measured through various metrics such as view counts, engagement rates (likes, shares, comments), conversion rates, and the amount of time viewers spend watching the videos. Tools like Google Analytics and video hosting platforms offer detailed insights into these metrics.

5. How often should my company produce B2B marketing videos? The frequency depends on your marketing goals and resources. However, consistency is key. Aim to produce a mix of long-form and short-form videos regularly. For instance, a monthly product update video combined with weekly social media snippets can keep your audience engaged.

6. What platforms should I use to share my B2B marketing videos? Share your videos on platforms where your target audience spends time. LinkedIn is highly effective for B2B content. YouTube is great for hosting and sharing videos, while your company’s website and email newsletters can also be excellent distribution channels.

7. How can I ensure my B2B marketing videos are SEO-friendly? To optimize your videos for SEO, include relevant keywords in the title, description, and tags. Use engaging thumbnails, transcribe your videos for better indexing, and ensure fast loading times. Additionally, embedding videos on your website and sharing them on social media can boost their SEO performance.


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