
5 tips to improve your post-event engagement strategy Creating the best engagement to build towards greater success in the future


If you’re not reaching out to your attendees after your event ends, then it’s time to re-evaluate your post-event engagement strategy.

Post-event management execution is one of the most important stages of the event plan because you still need to engage with your attendees afterwards, as part of your long-term lead nurture strategy. By following up with attendees afterwards you can gauge the level of engagement, build on the excitement of the event, and get feedback for future events.

In this post, we will cover the top 5 best post-event practices to ensure the success of your post-event strategy.


Post-event examination


1. Post-event celebration

A post-event celebration is a way to celebrate your team, volunteers, and staff for pulling off an amazing event. This is great for boosting team morale. It might seem like a lot of work after wrapping up an event but your after-party won’t require as much effort as the event itself – it can be as simple as a restaurant meal. You can extend the invitation to event attendees if they want to continue enjoying themselves and networking. A post-event celebration is a nice way to maintain relationships with all involved, network, and strengthen your brand.

2. Thank you email and survey

A post-event follow-up email is important for two reasons. You can show your guests that they are valued by expressing thanks for their attendance. This small gesture goes a long way, and it is a good reason to reach out. In your follow-up email, you can also link to an electronic questionnaire so that you can collect customer feedback which is vital to know what went right and where there’s room for improvement in your event planning. Utilizing one of the many best customer feedback tools can help you design a user-friendly questionnaire and streamline the collection process. Try to send this as soon as possible so the event is still fresh in the attendees’ minds, and they are more likely to respond. 

Try to keep the survey brief and concise so the attendees complete the entire survey. You can create the survey in a format that gauges customer satisfaction such as a 1-10 rating. The following questions will provide useful awareness into your event planning:

    • How much did you enjoy the venue?
    • How courteous and friendly did you find the staff?
    • How would you rate the relevance of the speaker?
    • How much did they enjoy the workshops?
    • Would you recommend this event to others?

You can also send a ‘sorry we missed you’ email to those who didn’t show up to let them know that you still value their attendance and hope to see them next time around.

3. Share relevant content

Keep guests engaged by directly sharing relevant content from the event, such as recorded speeches, awards, performances or presentations, and photographs. You can share a few items of content in an email and then redirect them with a link to your social media pages or website as a landing page to keep the engagement going. Your attendees are sure to appreciate being kept in the loop with content from the event.

Post event engagement plan


4. Be active on social media

To keep your attendees engaged post-event, make sure you are posting relevant content across your social media platforms to keep the memories of the event alive. By sharing visual content on all social media channels you remind the attendees of the fun they had. Some good post-event social media post examples are photographs from the day of guests and speakers. You can also share video clips and highlight reels as well as event photography. Tag people in the images if you know who they are so they are notified and share this content.

 It’s important to interact with your attendees so that you can build a rapport with them and show them that they are valued by you. Be proactive by sharing their posts to your story and responding to comments and tweets.

You can also host a competition on social media to keep attendees engaged. It could be a contest for the best photo from the event using the event hashtag. The winner can be the one that gets the most votes or likes and you can give them a prize, for example, a gift card or a discount on your services. Hosting a competition is a clever tactic as this incentivises user-generated content, where attendees are marketing your event for you. 

5. Create a post-event page

Create a post-event page on your website so that your attendees can relive the experience of the event. You don’t have to start from scratch – you can edit your original landing page for the event to share all of the event highlights with minimal effort. Share videos of the speakers, photos of attendees, images of the entertainment, and the food and drink. Be sure to include:

    • A highlight reel video
    • Photos 
    • A music playlist
    • A gallery of tweets using the event hashtag
    • Fun event statistics
    • Presentation slides and relevant event content

As you can see, your post-event strategy (as well as the other stages of event planning) relies on the use of visual content. To successfully engage your event attendees, you will need compelling photographs at the least. If you want to be on par with other successful businesses engaging with attendees you will need to use video too. Photography and videography not only provide attendees with great memories from the event but are essential media for future marketing efforts. 

Book with Splento for your next event to have the best photos and videos to ensure effortless attendee engagement during and after your event. By choosing Splento you are guaranteed to have a reliable, on-demand photographer and/or videographer at an affordable, fixed rate. Contact us today to inquire about our services for your event.


Book a professional photographer near me and ensure every moment is perfectly captured.

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