
Promotional video or corporate video Which is best for your company?


Commercial video production can get a bit ambiguous when it comes to corporate and promotional videos. There are plenty of businesses who still aren’t clear on the difference. Promotional videos have quite often been mixed up with corporate videos since the dawn of business videography itself.

While both videos can promote your business and build your brand, that’s where the similarities end. It’s important to understand the stark differences between the two types of videos. If you don’t know the difference, how will you know what will best suit your company and business needs?


Corporate Video

What is corporate video?

Corporate videos are company video content used to visually convey messages to different stakeholders of the company. They focus in-depth on the business rather than promoting individuals products or services. 

Corporate videos are often used to improve branding or relay transparency in business functions. The final purpose of the video should be to instil trust in your viewers’ minds.


Why do you need corporate video?

Corporate videos are used by larger companies to build brand awareness and tell their story. You can create an ‘About us’ video to introduce the company to clients or investors. Other common uses include training videos, recruitment videos, testimonials, media releases and shareholder information. Splento has generated a complete list of types of corporate videos to grow your business.

While all this information used to previously be conveyed in textual documents, videos have been proven to be a more effective way of absorbing information – so companies started adopting video content for many of these functions. 


Corporate video


Promotional Video

What is a promotional video?

A promotional video is every company’s secret weapon to promote a product or service to prospects as well as customers. A good promotion video isn’t a direct sales pitch but rather a gentle persuasion to buy the product. 

Promotional videos can be anything from video advertisements to product videos, as long as it’s a business video with a promotional intent. They should convey the product’s value to the customer using the brand’s voice and style.


Why do you need promotional video?

Promotional videos are often short and light content that can inform customers of your products and services in an engaging manner. Promotional videos have been useful in boosting consumer engagement and conversion rates.

If you’ve got a new product or event coming up, the best way to promote it would be through videos. Product demos, explainer videos and launch videos can be used to seek social attention online, to create more hype around the product. 

If you’re planning to in-house your promotional video productions but don’t have a clue about perfecting a promotional video we’ve got a whole plan worked out. 

The differences between promotional and corporate videos may be crystal clear but they are both necessary to contribute to a firm’s success. Promoting a business is just as important as promoting a product. 

Now that you’re clear on the difference between a corporate video and a promotional video, you can start to think about hiring a video company to produce them. 

Whether you want a corporate video, a promotional video, or a marketing video, Splento can offer top-quality video production services from videography experts across the world. Whatever video you want, Splento has a fixed price of £149 per hour and guarantees delivery within 48 hours. Call us today for further information. 


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