
How to Get 30,000 Followers on Instagram without Spending a Fortune

How to Get 30,000 Followers on Instagram


Want to get more followers on Instagram? There is a great number of simple tricks and hacks, that can help you stand out from the Instagram crowd and make you more popular on this meteorically fast growing social network. They are easy to use and very helpful in practice.  Here are some of them.

  1. Connection to Facebook

One of the easiest and quickest way to start your whole Instagram experience is to initially connect it to your Facebook account. It will automatically search for all of your existing Facebook friends, who are already using Instagram, allowing you to follow them and, thus, letting them know that you joined Instagram community. It won’t get you thousands of followers (unless you have thousands of Facebook friends), but it is a good bonus and quick boost to your followers list.

  1. High quality photos

No doubt, that the KEY to your Instagram success starts with quality of your photos, which will get you those likes, comments and, obviously, new followers. As Instagram can be justifiably considered the most visual-focused social network in the internet, it is highly important to keep the quality of your images on the top level.  In order to make your photos more attractive and eye-catching, you should take into account such aspects as good lightning and using professional cameras and lenses. The first tip is arguably easy to follow as the day light with the combination of camera settings is available to everyone and will help your photos to look amazing. The second option requires special (and sometimes very expensive!) equipment, which can become a little bit problematic, especially for newbies. That is why Splento is here for you to help.

Splento  is a new startup that launched in London last year, but has already become the leading platform for hiring professional photographers. Its model is focused on quick, professional, affordable photography — like other services that a customer needs fast, but without spending a fortune. Splento’s list of accredited photographers will give you a wide choice of those who may perfectly fit with your needs and thus help you to achieve exceptional results. High quality photos will enable you to be in front of other pages, boosting your popularity and getting attention of your prospective customers. This, in turn, may attract the attention of other Instagram pages, who will do a shoutout of your page (using your photo and tagging you in the comments section).

  1. Like photos on other people’s profiles

To be become noticeable, you have to make other users aware of your existence, which can be easily achieved through attracting their attention with one tool: LIKING THEIR POSTS. This little action will make them go and check your profile, which may later on make them your follower (if it turns out that you are of any interest to them). When others like your photo, they boost your popularity and, thus, make your account appear on the explore page. Keep that in mind!

  1. Follow other people

If you want to grow your followers, you need to follow others. Following is a quick and easy way to get other people follow you back. Always start with following your competitors that are closest to your account. Following others make sure that they have an active account and engage actively with various followers. If their followers engage with them as well, then it’s the right account, and you can learn a lot from the profile owner.

  1. Hashtags

Hash-tagging is a very powerful tool to set and control all the discussions around your page or your posts. The more hashtags you use, the more Instagram followers and engagement you’ll get.

Charlotte Parham, Senior Account Manager from Exposure Communications, says “Hashtags not only highlight the key features of an image to the Instagram community and increase the chance of your photo being discovered by other users, but using the correct hashtag can help you identify your audience on a commercial level. For Exposure Communications, where we are more often than not talking to the event industry, the most identifiable hashtag for the events audience is #eventprofs and there are similar well-known hashtags used for other industries. Doing your research about which hashtags are commonplace and appropriate in your industry could make a huge difference to the amount of followers you have and significantly increase your visibility on the platform.”

See also how hashtags can help you get people share your event on social media.

  1. Exchange shoutouts

As it was previously mentioned, some users may do you a favour and exchange a so-called ‘shoutout’ – a very popular type of co-promotion. So, basically, you are advertising them, and they are doing the same for you. If you found an Instagram account with similar content, or you suppose that yours has any relevance to theirs, you can simply reach them via email, or simply send them a direct message and ask for a shoutout, which can bring evident advantages for both of you.

  1. Run contests

Another way to speed up the process of getting more followers without much work is launching a contest. The idea behind it is pretty simple: to compete for the prize you put there, followers may simply have to like and tag some specific number of their friends in the comments under your photo. Or they can repost any of your photos with the nice comment promoting your account, which will create awareness about your Instagram page within their circle of users. It is a very simple and simultaneously a very productive way of achieving your goal.

To sum up

In conclusion, it is important to remind everyone, who is considering becoming an Instagram superstar, that, first of all, you still have to keep the best in you and just be yourself. In attempt to reach popularity one may lose their individuality or, even worse – become dependent on all these likes, comments and numbers, which have no real connection to real you. At the end of the day, it’s not just a visual platform that allows you to show off your creativity, but a social network in the first place. And by social it suggests socialising with others and having fun.

These tricks might seem extremely easy, but if you try to bring them to life on a regular basis – you will see a tremendous effect!

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Event Photography and Videography

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