
Visual content trends for property in 2022 What’s new this year for property sales and marketing?


Around six months ago, we took a look at 6 different property video styles that were becoming more important as a result of the pandemic year. In short, estate agents had to shift the bulk of their business – including viewings – online.

Now we have rolled into a new year, it’s time to take stock and look at how property visual content trends may have changed even in this short time.

It’s time to look ahead into 2022 and see what is coming down the line in terms of visual content for estate agents for the rest of this year (and beyond?)


Trends in property visual content 2021


1. Video for property sales is no longer optional

Even in July or August 2021, there were still many opportunities to conduct in-person home viewings; but as summer turned to autumn, and the ‘second wave’ of the pandemic appeared, this option was largely removed.

Buyers – and sellers – are still very reluctant to hold in-person viewings (at least, for the initial view). Sellers are usually happy to allow a physical viewing for buyers once they have had a remote viewing and are then very keen and serious about buying the property.

We have to also consider the feelings of the estate agent staff – many of whom have no desire to show a property 15 or 20 times to people who may or may not be interested.

As a result, video viewings, which were once a nice ‘optional extra’ for sellers are now very much not only normal but being demanded.

In the USA, carrot.com reports that 70 per cent of sellers now want to only list with an agent who uses video marketing for promotion purposes.

2021 is not only going to see a dramatic, continued increase in the use of various video formats for home and other property sales, but it is also going to witness the decline of agencies that refuse to get on board with these new (actually – no longer quite so new) ways of marketing.

Fact: As an estate agent, if you are not using video, then you are losing business.

Thus, the first trend to note for 2022 is an increase in the dependence on quality video for remote viewings.


2. Social media marketing will change

Opinions are still somewhat divided on this one – but at the moment it’s safe to say that the way social media advertising is used will change in 2021, to a greater or lesser degree.

This is due to Apple bringing in amendments in iOS14 (due in spring 2022), which will insist that apps ask permission of the phone user before they can track their viewing habits across websites etc.

Realistically, this means that social media advertising may be about to get more expensive, as, for example, Facebook cannot target ads as efficiently or precisely as they currently do.

And this, in turn, means that to make an advert count, it will need higher production values.

For example:

In other words, every advert you run on social media is going to have to return more bang for its buck, as it were. Or so it seems – at time of writing, Apple is just bringing this feature into beta testing, so its full impact will not be felt for a few months yet.

What we are saying at this point is to be aware of it, and take action now to up the quality of your social media marketing if you are using paid ads in any way.


3. Outsourcing will prove to be a cost-saving option for many

As with many other industries, many estate agencies are realising that they don’t have to do it all themselves.

Many have already invested in costly video equipment and even 360° camera technology, only to find that the rewards are not returning on the investment in the way they expected.

If you are one of these, then stick with it – new technology often comes with a steep learning curve before you get the most out of it and you will get there.

Additionally – having an eye for taking a great property photograph does not mean that you can instantly turn out amazing property video; they are very different disciplines and require different skillsets.

Likewise, photo editing is not the same as video editing – both require expertise of a different nature.

For all these circumstances, many agencies have found that it is more cost-effective to outsource all or even just a part of their video work – certainly to begin with. And some even find that outsourcing is permanently the better option.

An increase in the outsourcing of video for property sales is another trend that is set to come to the fore in 2022. As a smaller step that fits neatly between ‘complete novice’ and ‘100% in-house video production,’ it gives room for agencies to experiment, learn and understand how to use video as the most important tool for property sales in 2022, without the big initial investment.

Costs (if you use the right company) are fixed and known up front – so you can budget accordingly and you will quickly come to realise that the figures (for outsourcing) are not as frightening as you may think.

For example, Splento has a fixed hourly rate of £149 per hour for video – but importantly, that also includes editing. And with a guaranteed delivery time of just 48 hours for the finished deliverable, you’re not waiting around for days (weeks?) before you can list the property and begin remote viewings.

By the time you have your listing sorted and ready to upload to your website or social media platform, your video is finalised and delivered.

An additional bonus for outsourcing, especially if video is a new tool for you, is that you get the chance to work alongside some amazing video professionals and that is a great learning opportunity.

And outsourcing means that you can pick and choose the services you need. Already have great video footage and just need it edited? No problem – just pay for editing.

Have some amazing still images but want them produced as a video? Sure. (See below).


Real estate video trends in 2021


Property video trends for 2022

As demand for video viewings increase across the next few months – what are the main types of video going to be to maximise impact and most help your sales


Static photos into video

As we just mentioned above, if you already have great still images, then these can be turned into amazing short videos.

Although this is not suitable for remote viewing (the alternatives below have that covered) these produce great 30-second or 60-second high-quality videos for social media posts and other advertising – even in emails!

There’s a great example to be found on this page: Property videos with a click of a button.


360° property videos

One of the biggest trends you will see across 2022 is the dramatic rise in 360° property video.

Rather than a video walkthrough, which is great, but doesn’t give the viewer (buyer) time to stop and take in the rooms, these are an immersive experience that allows the viewers to walk through a property at their own pace.

They also allow them to stop, look around and discuss rooms, layouts etc… as if they were conducting an in-person viewing.

There are two main kinds of 360° video.

The first has been around for several years now and is a combination of a walkthrough video and 360° images. Here’s an example:

The video itself is not so long, but at any point, you can pause the play and yet still drag the camera around with your computer mouse, to view the room completely. In this way, the viewing can last as long as you want it to.

The second (more recent) type of 360° video is the true walkthrough – where the viewer controls whereabouts within the property they roam.

This is more akin to an indoor Google Streetview approach.

Here’s an example of this type of video presentation:

Harcourt House

Click on the image now and enjoy walking around the property!

– You will also notice the controls in the bottom left of the screen, which give you access to the ‘dollhouse view’ floors and more.

Viewers can even use measuring tools to accurately measure the size of a room or anything else. When constructing the video, name tags can be added to any object to give more details and even links to external websites.

Using a video such as this – a true 360° walkthrough – is where all remote property viewings are heading in 2022.

For more information on Matterport and 360° property videos just like this one, contact Splento today.


Drone video footage

Carrot.com also reports that homes sell 68 per cent faster if they are marketed with a video that includes drone footage, or drone aerial photos.

This is used to showcase the property in a unique way that cannot be replicated by another method.

Larger properties benefit particularly well from drone footage, however, even an apartment can benefit; scroll back up and review the first video above – there are some drone shots in there which make all the difference.

Drones can also be used to highlight the surrounding area of a home, as well as the property itself.

Local amenities, parks and any other nearby features of note can all be presented using a drone, which not only comes across as professional but can even be used to show distances in perspective.

Drone technology is another specialised area that is usually worth outsourcing to begin with, until you are comfortable with the extra benefits it provides and you decide to invest for yourself.


Creativity counts!

Finally, as more agencies turn to video in 2022, competition is going to tighten up.

Videographers will have to find new and creative ways to showcase properties to capture both the attention and imaginations of prospective buyers.

We will leave it to your imagination right now to get working on this point, but if you do end up hiring in a videographer to produce property videos for you, then make sure to ask them what innovative ideas they have for your properties.

Here’s just one such idea to get you started – timelapses. In the right circumstances, they are incredibly effective – and don’t have to be used just for new builds filmed over months.

A simple static shot of a property from dawn until dusk makes for a great timelapse that can enhance any property video.



Property visual content trends for 2022 mean that, first and foremost, you must be using video for remote viewings to market your properties.

Once that is understood, the next point is to recognise that quality makes all the difference.

Whilst buyers (and sellers) understand that remote viewings are essential for the time being, they do not always understand that a poor quality video can make a stunning property look mediocre – they will just see the home as mediocre and move on.

Conversely, with the right video techniques and high-quality production values, buyers can fall in love with an average property at the first (remote) viewing – making the sale on the subsequent in-person visit that much easier for the agent.

If you have any questions on any of these points or need help with any aspect of property video creation, then feel free to get in touch – we are more than happy to help.


Contact Splento if you are in need of:

Event Photography and Videography

Professional Headshots

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