
How video production services changes in 2021 What video marketers should expect from 2021


The pandemic has made things rocky in just about every industry, so unsurprisingly, video production services were also hit hard. The challenges and changes brought about by 2020 will ripple throughout 2021 as well. 

But let’s look on the bright side – everyone stuck at home has been consuming large amounts of video content every day. So our market for videos has been blown wide open. Now we just have to figure out how to get the supply side pumping again. 

Video production has drastically changed and will continue to change and we’ve listed here some of the changes that video will see in 2021. Try to get ahead and start producing videos accordingly. 


Top video production trends of 2021

Videos will get shorter

The year 2020 gave us all the time in the world, and we still weren’t capable of getting through a 5-minute video of growing a cactus. This just goes to show that our attention span for visual content is growing thinner by the year.

In 2021 advertisers will be releasing shorter videos to not get overlooked by viewers. You have to grab people’s attention immediately or it won’t happen at all. This is a video trend that won’t be changing any time soon. So either produce shorter videos or kick the digital bucket when the time comes.


User-generated video content will take over

User-generated videos offer a third, unbiased voice to promote a company and gain a trustworthy reputation. If your customers have an opinion on your brand, you better believe they’re going to post a video voicing the same. 

As a company, you should always keep track of all the content generated about you and when the opportunity arises, share user-generated video content to improve your credibility. 

Better still – encourage them to do so (this also increases traffic on your social media platforms – always a good thing). User-generated video can provide a wealth of usable material, and it is accepted by the public as being far more honest in its content.


Video production services


Interactive videos are all the hype

The past year has seen a rise in interactive video content, which doesn’t seem to be going away. Interactive videos are great for business as it puts the viewer in control of their experience. 

Interactive videos give customers the opportunity to personalise the brand’s content according to their own taste and preferences (aka content experience). Not including interactive videos in your marketing strategy could end up being a huge mistake, given how it’s gaining online popularity. 


Productions will get simpler

Most businesses have witnessed a huge fall in the quality of production as the pandemic put a stop to the regular functioning of production companies. With simpler videos coming out, consumers are going to be more interested in what you have to say than how you say it. 

Companies pour money into hiring the most expensive production services thinking it’ll get them high-impact videos. But a low-budget video production that is marketed well, holds bigger opportunities for the company. 

However, don’t confuse low-budget with low-quality. High production values are even more important as the competition for attention increases. 


Streamlining video production

As the demand for video increases, especially in the shorter format categories, videographers are coming up with faster and more efficient processes to get the job done. This means not every video will be a cinematic marvel, but will be good enough to keep up with video consumption rates. 

Streamlining the video production process, once mastered, will lead to high-volumes of video content being released onto the internet. So brace yourself; there’s a whole wave – nay, a tsunami – of content coming to flood your feed. 

Carrying out video production was a difficult task even before the world was affected by COVID-19. 2021 doesn’t seem to be looking any brighter so planning ahead to accommodate the changes this year should be a top priority. 

Splento offers video production services with a guaranteed 48-hour delivery time frame. So you can keep the ideas coming in and we’ll keep rolling out your videos for distribution. 


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