
The importance of video marketing trends Key reasons to include video in your marketing plan


Video marketing is simply using video content to market your product or promote your brand. Video marketing trends change over time, but one fact remains – any strong, modern marketing campaign will have video incorporated into its mix. So why isn’t everyone tapping into this gold mine?

While video marketing isn’t a new concept, it is an intricate strategy to carry out successfully. It requires more money and effort and even then, if done wrong, might turn out to reap zero benefits. But if you plan out your video strategy in a focussed manner, there’s no better way to reach your audience. 

Creating a video marketing campaign can take a lot of market research to determine who your target audience is and what they would like to see. Then you can plan your video strategy according to this information and start filming it. 


Why brands need video marketing

1. More effective than traditional media

Video marketing gives viewers a well-earned break from all the textual content available on the internet. Combining both visual and audio content can be a powerful tool when it comes to retaining your viewers’ attention. Additionally, since videos are easily accessible on smartphones there’s a huge reach for your content, unlike traditional marketing forms like billboards and newspapers. 


2. Improves conversion rates

Online consumers are fickle-minded when it comes to making purchase decisions for new products. Video content can help with this problem and secure a customer, as individuals who watch a product demonstration video are more likely to buy that product. 

Videos also keep the attention of the viewer long enough for them to take a look around your website. If your product sells itself, this is all the exposure you need to help make steady profits. 


3. Helps with search engine optimization

Employing the latest video marketing trends encourages search engines, such as Google, as they love video content. It is rated as high-quality, valuable and relevant information for a searcher’s query. So combining videos with images and text on your website can do wonders for driving web traffic to your site. 

To ensure your video works to improve SEO, make sure you use a catchy title, incorporate the right keywords, and tweak the meta description as well. To learn more about how videos can boost your SEO, read this short article to help you hit the ground running. 


4. Adds sentimental value

Building trust is the foundation for improving sales and brand image, and the best way to build trust is to deliver sentimental value through your videos. It’s said that watching a video can be more influential than reading a block of text as the strength of visuals complemented with audio can be very moving. Video allows you to appeal to your customer’s emotional side, and gain their trust. 


5. Global reach

Videos are a highly shareable content form, so releasing a video on your page doesn’t just target your direct line of viewers. If your video is good enough, your viewers will share it on their own platforms and your reach will grow exponentially. If you’re interested in making a viral video, read all about it here


Observing video marketing trends are vital in the digital world that we now live in. Using videos to communicate your brand message is the most effective and popular way to get your message across. So every second you spend not using video marketing for your business is time wasted.  

To keep up with the latest in video marketing trends means using an up to date and in-touch video production company. For this, Splento might just be your go-to choice. For only £149 per hour, Splento will film and deliver a fully edited video within 48 hours. For further information – get in touch today.


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