
September 2019 Update


How do you know if someone runs marathons? Don’t worry, they’ll freakin’ tell you!

You may have noticed that my monthly updates are always about Splento customers and team, and never about myself. But today I’ll be making an exception and starting this update with a shameless plug – so read on 🙂  

1) ZOOM / Recent Update: 

(a) Running is an important part of my life and once or twice a year I run marathons (this year I ran three). Ten days ago I set my personal best (PB), finishing Berlin Marathon in 2:53:40

Just like we’re constantly experimenting with various marketing channels, messages, products and target audiences at Splento, I continuously experiment with my body, and my preparation for the Berlin Marathon was no exception. 

I’ve changed many things leading up to the race, but as opposed to online traffic or email marketing, I don’t run thousands of races a year, so it’s technically impossible to do thousands of A/B tests on my body. So I had to run a multivariate test, which unfortunately means that I’m not 100% sure how I’ve managed to cut 6 minutes off my previous PB. 

It could have been: 

  • Berlin’s fast course and chilly rainy weather;
  • my increased mileage (I went from 23 miles per week on average in training to 30 miles per week);
  • not catching a flu leading up to the race (I’ve started another parallel experiment with cold showers every morning that seem to have staved off the flu); 
  • my new coach;
  • my experiment with gluten free diet;
  • or my wife’s rice cakes that I’ve been wolfing down before and during the marathon.

But as my coach said – marathon is all in the mind, so most likely it’s Point (B) below that made all the difference. 

So what? Running constant experiments is in Splento’s blood, literally.  

(b) We have just raised a substantial round of financing from a group of amazing smart-money investors who bring tons of added value with them. We couldn’t wish for better investors to add to Splento family at this point in our journey. 

As the lead investor is a well-known UK businessman, the press may want to have an exclusive on announcing the deal, so we’ll share more details in the coming days. 

So what? Splento’s journey to date has been exceptionally exciting. What lies ahead is even more invigorating! 


2) FOCUS / Looking Ahead: 

With great investors onboard, who bring a lot of expertise, connections and experience – we look forward to accelerating our growth curve even faster!

So what? For us it’s always about experimenting, learning and adapting accordingly. 


3) EXPOSURE / Ask: 

If you have any ideas about how to improve Splento, which new products or features to launch – please let us know. 

We have this simple online form. Just submit your ideas whenever you feel like it and we’ll make sure they are properly assessed and relevant ones added to our product and growth roadmap. 

An interesting fact. When we first met our incoming investor, one of the great ideas he suggested was implementing Facial Recognition feature into our galleries. We thought it would take us a couple of years to implement this technology, but we had a functional facial recognition feature in early 2019. 

In a deleted scene from Pulp Fiction, Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman) meets Vincent Vega (John Travolta) and the first thing she asks him is: “When in conversation, do you listen, or do you just wait to talk?” Vincent thinks about it and then responds, “I wait to talk, but I’m trying to listen.”

So what? We listen! 

Kind regards,



P.S. You can find all previous updates from 2019 HERE

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