
Tips on capturing the perfect photo at your summer camp How camp staff can get the most from their Splento App photos


Photos are a joy. They enable us to look back at a specific time and imagine that we are back there, enjoying and reliving this memory.

When using the Splento App, camp employees will have a chance to take as many photos as they want to send to the parents for them to see all the fun their child is having. So it makes sense for employees to want to capture the best photos – ones for parents to have their breath taken away. 

We’ve all seen those fantastic photos that professional photographers have taken – they are timeless. And, yes, it can be really difficult to capture photos of the same level as photographers when employees are using a phone or tablet, but don’t worry, as long as you have captured the happiness that a child is having, your photo is perfect. 

In this blog, we will look through the areas that will help you create the best images to capture the happiness of a child. These are:

    • Colour
    • Lighting
    • Distance
    • Focus point
    • Composition
    • Limiting the subjects
    • Taking your time



Colours are known to be linked with emotions – yellow is connected with happiness, whereas darker colours, such as brown are seen to be gloomy. 

When taking a photo, think about the colouring of the setting – brighter and more vibrant colours are more likely to lift the mood of the photos. However, if the children are standing in front of a brown fence with no other colours, the photo is more likely to be seen as dull. Remember, colours place an important role in the overall mood. 

To add on top of that, when using the Splento App, employees won’t be using professional cameras but a phone or tablet. This can affect how the colouring will look in the end result. An easy tip to fix this is to adjust the exposure in the image; this is usually as simple as giving a quick tap on your device screen in a specific area, and done right, will help bring out the colouring. 


Summer camp photos



Whether it is natural light or artificial light, this element plays an important role when it comes to capturing the best camp photo. 

When it’s summer, children enjoy doing activities outside, and these moments are perfect to take a photo of. But don’t fully rely on the sun. Photographers know that direct light isn’t ideal, as it creates harsh lines and weird shadows on a subject’s face. Instead, try to use the light to your advantage with one simple tip – have the sun behind the camera as it helps create a softer image. Not only that, but light also helps highlight the colours that are in the image.



The distance between camera and subject is everything, this simple element can affect the meaning of the photo. If an employee wants to have a photo to show the detail of a child’s face and make it more personal for a parent, having a close-up photo is perfect. But try and also take a number of shots from different distances – and angles. This not only increases interest, but gives context to the close-up shots that they are taking.


Focus point

It will be difficult to capture the focus on every single photo, but the photographer should try to keep the idea of what to focus on in the back of their mind, as it will help when it comes to taking the picture. 

Why is focus important?

It highlights the child’s face, making the photo look crisp and sharp, and creates a photo that parents will love. Doing this does blur the background, but makes the child the centre of attention (the fastest way to any parent’s heart).



Sometimes it’s nice to have a photo with the subject right in the middle, but this can come across as staged and the photo can seem forced. The perfect photo is being able to capture the action, and you can create this by putting the subject slightly to one side. Doing this helps capture the joy between two children in action, rather than a photo of one child standing alone. 

If the action involves running, for example, have the child to one side facing towards the centre of the image – this leaves space on the photo for them to ‘run in to’ and creates the feeling of action.


Limit the subjects

During the weeks at summer camp, it’s easy to take photos of all the children – sometimes this is fine to do as it gives the children a chance to remember all the people that they met. However, doing this with every single photo will create difficulty when it comes to finding the focus point, as a lot is happening in one photo. When limiting the number of children, parents will be able to take in everything, most importantly, they’ll be able to see their child’s joyful facial expressions.


Sharing Photos of Summer Camps


Take your time

There are times when photos are rushed, this can happen because the children who are posing might want to hurry up and go back to what they are doing. Rushing like this can cause the photo to come across as blurry, making it difficult for parents to see the emotions their child is feeling. Instead, take a few seconds to make sure the focus is on point, that the light is showing all the colours around. Doing this will help capture the perfect photo that parents and children will love. 

When using the Splento App to take photos, remember all of these tips to help capture the perfect photo. Not only will these photos help your marketing team when it comes to promoting the summer camp, but they will also impress the parents due to how perfect these photos are, and they will be sure to share them with family and friends.

Parents and children want clear and sharp photos to remember all of the beautiful memories that they created at the summer camp. And strong, positive memories are the best sales aid you have for repeat customers in the future!

Contact Splento if you are in need of:

Event Photography and Videography

Professional Headshots

eCommerce Photography and Videography

AI Generated headshots by Splento AI

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