
Promotional sharing of couple photography How to promote your couple photography


Couple photography can be one of the most rewarding genres, as you get to help a couple celebrate their love and help to tell the story of their relationship. However, it can be difficult to get yourself out there when you don’t have a large client base. 

If you’re wondering how to market yourself as a couple photographer, we have some great advice for you. In this post dedicated to couple photography advertising ideas, we will look at:

    • Getting featured in online and print media
    • Investing in online ads
    • Having a curated portfolio
    • Posting frequently to Instagram
    • Use hashtags, location and tag clients on Instagram
    • Writing a couple photography blog

Couples photos


Get featured in online and print media

Blogs, magazines, and newspapers will always need photos to enhance their stories, websites, and social media feed. Reaching out to the right publications with your couple’s photography portraits might just turn into a feature that can help your visibility, making it one of our top couple photography advertising ideas. 


Investing in online ads

Some of the best couple photography ads examples currently are on social media. Because we are all plugged in, advertising on social media increases your chances of gaining new clients. Investing in online ads is a great way to market yourself. But you should also track your ads using a tool like Voluum.

You can pay to have your advertisements featured on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Instagram in particular can be very helpful as you can target accounts based on their relationship status demographic. This means your ad would only appear to those who are in a relationship or engaged, ensuring the right people see it.

When it comes to photography advertising wording, keep it short and sweet with a brief description of what you do and where you are based. A picture speaks a thousand words, after all!


Have a curated portfolio

With photography having advertisements and reviews are important, but when clients see your amazing work, it will sell itself. This is why it’s so important to have your photography up front and centre so your prospective clients will see your work and book you. On your website, you should have a good selection of photos that you feel represents you best as a couple photographer.

If you’re not using Instagram to promote your business already, you need to utilise this amazing tool. While your website is necessary to be the virtual flagship of your business with your portfolio and all your relevant contact information, your couple photography Instagram account is the perfect visual display for your work. 

As it is a social media platform, this also gives you a space to show your personality and style to your client by expressing yourself in your photography and captions. Although you should share your personality, post mainly professional photographs with the occasional behind-the-scenes photo to keep your Instagram relevant for prospective clients. Edit the photos similarly to ensure that your photos have a consistent appearance across your grid.


Post frequently to Instagram

As we have mentioned, Instagram is one of the most useful tools in your arsenal. As it is an inherently visual medium, photographers thrive on Instagram, as the quality of their work stands tall above many other users. It’s no surprise that so many photographers, and other professionals, are getting so much business from Instagram. 

However, to get as much visibility as possible, you will need to post regularly – weekdays 9 am -1 pm is generally the best time to post. Posting every day Monday to Friday will be very beneficial to you in the Instagram algorithm. Schedule your posts to ensure you post consistently.


Use hashtags, location, and tag clients on Instagram


Posting frequently is important so you increase your likelihood of cropping up on the Instagram ‘explore’ page but you can also increase your chances of being found by using the location feature.  By tagging your photo with the location feature, people who search for that location will see your picture come up when they search for it. People who follow you will also see the location when it comes up on their feed and this may inspire them to look into your photography. 


Photos of couples



Hashtags will also help you get more visibility. When people search for the hashtag, they will also see your photos, thanks to the hashtag. Instagram allows you a maximum of 30 hashtags, but the optimal number of hashtags for Instagram SEO is between 3 and 15. Don’t feel you need to use as many as possible for the sake of it, but using specific hashtags which include your photography niche and location will be beneficial to you as they will attract your target clients.

For example: #Londonphotographer #Londoncouplesphotographer #Londonengagementphotography #Londonportraitphotographer 

More generic hashtags related to your photography will also be useful as they will appeal to a broader audience, will help you to generate a bigger following on social media and get free instagram followers.

For example: #couplesphotography #couplesphotoshoot #romanticphotography #couplesphotos



Of course, you should always get consent from clients before posting any pictures with them in them on social media, but you will find that many of them will be quite happy to share their couple photos on your Instagram. Be sure to tag them in the image as they will then be likely to share your post to their feed or story which will encourage their Instagram followers to check out your page too.


Write a couple photography blog

Writing a couple photography blog is a great way to market your business and grow your client base. Did you know that companies with blogs produce an average of 67% more leads monthly than companies that don’t blog? 

Blogging is not only great for creating more awareness for your couple’s photography business, but it can be really fun to share your advice and experiences, and it gives you a chance to help couples feel more comfortable being photographed and achieve the best photos. After a session, take an hour or so to write a blog post with your photos and the story behind it, and how you took this great photograph or how you overcame challenges on the day. By writing this, potential clients will be able to understand the value of professional couple photography and will be more inclined to book with you.

We hope you enjoyed our top tips for marketing yourself as a couple photographer. Before you know it you will have grown your clientele!

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