
The importance of parent engagement during early childhood How preschools and parents can work closer to help with child development


Every parent knows that they need to be involved in their child’s life, as it helps them succeed in their education. When children see their parents taking an interest in what they are doing it can encourage the child to work harder. Although parent engagement is important throughout childhood, it is especially vital during the early years.

Children under the age of five might attend preschool to develop different skills before entering the educational world. Parental engagement with the preschool is extremely important; the skills a child learns during preschool are something that the parents can continue working on developing when they are at home. 

In this blog, we will discuss 

    • What does a preschool teach children?
    • Why do parents need to be engaged with the preschool?
    • How does the Splento App help with parent engagement?


Preschool engagement


What does a preschool teach children?

One of the most important factors to remember is that every child develops differently. Children also develop one skill quicker than another. For example, some children may develop their language better than their maths skills. 

No matter how fast children develop, preschool is the perfect place for them to learn more about themselves. 

Many of the skills that they learn are taught through play-based activities. Developing these qualities in a fun and enjoyable way helps children remember the skills for them to use in daily life.


Social skills 

In adulthood, we understand that it is important to know how to work with others and respond to people. Although we learn our social skills by responding to family, it isn’t until preschool when we truly develop them. Preschool is the first time that children have the chance to be around the unfamiliar and make friends. Children tend to be amongst one another when taking part in different activities, such as playing in the sandpit, on the playground, etc. At the start, it might be difficult for the children to communicate with one another, but these activities become a routine and help them learn to interact with others. 


Language development

Social skills will also help children develop their language skills. During communication with other children, they have the chance to use the language that they are learning. Of course, some children are born talkers, whilst others need a little push – this is where preschool comes in. Here children can learn new words through books and by repeating the words that the adults use with them. 


Learning about the world around them

Through playing and communicating with other children, they all have the chance to learn the differences that they have with one another. It’s at this age where children learn all the crucial information that they’ll need for the rest of their lives. During this stage, children understand that the differences that we have with one another are great and that there are many similarities that they share with each other as well. 


Mathematical development 

Without realising, children start to learn the basics of maths through activities that involve building with blocks, for example. But not only that, when tidying up with the toys they’ve used, they might count all the objects as they put them back into the box. Preschools do this for the children to get used to the simpler side of maths. And being comfortable with numbers is a key skill for later schooling.


Physical development

During early childhood, children develop their gross and fine motor skills – they are both as important as each other. Gross motor skills are activities such as running, skipping and jumping. Learning this skill might guide children to find an interest in sports and focus on this new fun hobby. Fine motor skills are activities where children learn to hold and move a small object. For example, holding a pencil allows children to have fun through drawing, and this can lead to them developing their writing skills – this is very important for their education. 


Why do parents need to be engaged with the preschool?

As mentioned before, parents engagement with preschools is important as it helps with childhood development. Everything that children learn during their preschool time should also be happening at home. Therefore, if parents know what their child is up to during their preschool hours, they can then continue these activities at home. 

As we know, it’s during the early years of childhood where development is vital, and if in one area they are developing at a lower rate, parents will need to know this. Some children might struggle with their language and have a speaking problem. Learning this from a young age of a child’s life is important, as it means parents can put all of their focus on helping their child catch up with their development. 

However, parent engagement isn’t just for them to receive news that might seem worrying, it’s also to receive positive news. For example, a child’s fine motor skills might be improving immensely, and parents love to hear this because it means their child is growing. 


Preschool and parents


How does the Splento App help with parent engagement?

There can be some difficulties when it comes to parent engagement with preschools, and that is time. When parents come to drop or pick up their children, they might be in a hurry to get to work or to go back home. And without time, it’s difficult for employees of preschools to communicate to parents about what is happening with their children. 

Here at Splento, we have created an app that builds a bridge between the preschool and the parents. The Splento App allows parents to be involved with their child’s development even when they are not around. 

You might be asking, but how does it do this? Allow us to explain.

Visual content helps everyone see what is happening, and through the use of photos and videos, parents will be able to see all the exciting activities their child is up to. When using the Splento App, the parent’s app is linked to the preschool. Staff can then take photos and videos and upload them to the Splento App; parents will only be able to see this if their child is in the photo (a unique security feature of the Splento App).

It’s important to know that parents are in control; they will state on the app if any other parent can see photos of their child. If they say no, the app will register this when sending the photos to the parents.

This app allows parents to see photos of their child learning, developing skills, socialising, and so on.

If this is of interest to you, and something that your preschool would love to learn more about, then you can always book a demo to learn more about how these features work. 

However, if you are a parent and want to learn how these features will benefit you then Exploring the Splento App for parents breaks it down for you. 

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