
Marketing drama clubs for children Great ideas for getting your message back out there


Drama is loved by many people. The entertainment world is so vast that all of us will have found the movies, series and shows that we love and will watch them over and over again. But, for a person to break into the working world as an actor, this journey will normally start when they are young and have joined a drama club. 

Every drama club would love to say that an A-lister used to be one of their students. A way to have a chance to be able to say this is through marketing, as it attracts parents to send their child to a specific drama club, just like yours. And it is only with promoting can a business thrive with success. 


In this blog, we will discuss: 

    • What to show when marketing
    • Where to market your drama club
    • How does the Splento App help with marketing


What to show when marketing

There are many activities that take place during a drama club that shows all the ins and out. It’s important to showcase as much as possible as parents want to know what they are paying for, and to do this, is through visual content where one can see the children expressing themselves through playing a different character. 

It’s for everyone

For many people, they think drama is just for the confident and outgoing people, but the truth is, drama is actually for all. It doesn’t matter if a child is shy or they have a big personality, drama is a home for all. Drama is a place for children who are quiet and for them to grow as they learn different skills. 

It’s important for any drama club to show that they welcome shy children, as this already makes children who are timid a bit more comfortable than before. 


Drama club for children


Fun games

Once parents know that their child will find a place even though they are shy, they want to know how a drama club will help their child grow with belief. Showing the fun that these games hold is something vital for parents to see as they want to know that their child will enjoy their time there. 

Remember to video the different games that the children will do to highlight how each task will improve a skill. A couple of skill examples are:


Games that improve this skill will help children think on their feet, parents love seeing this to find out where this creative piece will lead to. Games like ‘Hey let’s… Alway Yes’ is perfect for video and use to promote a drama club as it shows how children break everything down and create something wonderful. 

Building character

Drama is all about exploring different characters and understanding their core. Showing these activities that help children dive into character is a key point to drama. A good game to photograph is ‘Fake News’ where children choose a random person from a magazine and they have to create a background story and then become this character. 



After showing the games that will take place, it’s important to present how these activities help the children create a splendid show. One of the main reasons why children join a drama club is to have a chance to take part in the show. Photographing the rehearsal and all the shows that take place throughout the past years is the perfect way for parents to see all the enjoyment that the children have. It’s also a chance for parents to see where their money would go – the scenery and costumes. 


Where to market your drama club

Nowadays, it is seen to be easier to promote a business such as a drama club, due to the fact that we are now living in a digital world that makes it easier to reach out to a handful of parents in one go. 

The online world is so vast, that there are many different ways for a drama club to market what they do. 



It’s crucial for any business to have its own website, it is the place for parents to go to find out all the information. Most importantly, it’s a great place for a company to upload blogs that have photos showing all the excitement that the children have during their drama sessions. 


Social media

One of the main reasons why the online world is so vast is due to the impact that social media has on us. This is why it is important to use different platforms, such as Instagram, to a company’s advantage as it can attract many parents. In a study by Edison Research, they found out that 80% of mums turn to social media to see what people think about certain companies and products. 

It’s then vital for drama clubs to have enough photos to be able to upload on their social media account throughout the year. 



Videoing little snippets of what happens during a drama session is a perfect way for parents to have an insight into what their children will get up to. Many drama clubs already have a YouTube account. The reason for this is because drama is such an interactive activity that the only way a parent can truly understand what the children do is through feeling that they are there as well. 


Child actors


How does the Splento App help with marketing

It’s great knowing that there are many activities to showcase when marketing, as well as there being different ways to promote your drama club. However, none of this matters if not enough photos or videos are taken. On top of that, even if you have the visual content, the time it takes to manually check that parents have allowed the photos to be used on your website, social media account can take hours. 

If this sounds familiar, then we have great news!

The Splento App. It’s very simple to use, all a drama teacher has to do is go on their staff account, snap a photo, upload and it’s sent to the parents straight away – but only if their child is in the photo. 

On top of that, when parents sign in, they upload their permissions, stating if their child’s photos can be seen by other parents and if it can be used for marketing purposes. If parents say yes, the photos that are taken during rehearsals will also be sent to the marketing account. 

On this account, the drama’s marketing team will have all the content that they need. They’ll have photos for their social media account, and videos to upload to YouTube. But, marketing isn’t only done like this when using the Splento App. 

As this product also plays as a bridge between parents and drama club, they’ll be able to see the photos straight away, as if they are at the drama session with their child. Due to the engagement that is created by using the Splento App, parents will be talking to their friends about how great this drama club is as they involve the parents. And just like that, they are promoting the drama club without realising it. 


Interested in making your marketing system easier and quicker? Then you can always book a demo with us to see all the features that the Splento App holds. 

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