
How does the Splento App help staff digitally market their summer camp? Making the most of your summer camp outreach


Marketing has changed dramatically over a short period of time; within the past decade, different businesses have learnt about the importance of using the online world when it comes to promoting.

The main reason for this can be seen in how easy it is to reach new customers. This is why it’s important for summer camps to digitally market, not only does it remind old customers of all the fun they had that summer, but it also finds new ones. Taking advantage of the online world is extremely important now if summer camps want to thrive and grow to be the best they can be. 

This is one of the reasons we have created the Splento App – to help your marketing team have an easier time finding the photos that they need to promote your summer camp online. 


Marketing for summer camps


What has changed in the past ten years?

A lot has changed for the marketing world in the past ten years, and the reason for this is the evolution of technology. 


Social media

You might be wondering, hasn’t social media been around since the turn of the century? If so – you are right, but the past ten years is when social media has grown drastically. Studies have shown that when we entered 2020, the number of users over all the social media platforms was three billion people. Not only that, but on average, users spend over two hours per day on social media.

Seeing how many people now use social media, and how long they spend online defines how important it is for summer camps to promote what they do and what the children will be doing, as their audience is very wide


Customer empowerment

The rise of social media doesn’t only help a business to market their brand, but it has also empowered customers to state their feelings about certain companies; the positive and the negative side. Think about Instagram; if a summer camp uses this platform for promoting, they will learn what photos parents prefer through both the likes and the number of comments they get. This helps them know what to post to help their summer camp grow even more. 


Mobile marketing

Nowadays, it is crucial that the content a company uploads support and perform properly on a small screen. The reason for this is within the past decade, going online using a mobile device went up by 504%. And as we’ve seen, users are on their phones, flicking through social media for hours per day, and if a summer camp’s content doesn’t support the smaller screen, the camp is not going to reach the parents in the way they intend to (or at all). 


How to spruce up your digital marketing?

It’s important for summer camps to be taking more photos than needed, and a way to do this is by taking photos every day for each different activity that the children takes part in. This gives the marketing team a good amount of photos to upload to their social media platforms. Not only that, but when the time comes for the last children to leave, marketing a summer camp carries on throughout the year, and it’s important to have enough photos until the next year when the camp next reopens. 


How can the Splento App help?

The Splento App has many features for the marketing team to benefit from, when promoting their summer camp. We know that there are difficulties when it comes to marketing – not enough photos, not really knowing what the parents want to see, and most importantly it takes time to do everything. The Splento App is here to help and make marketing less stressful than it currently is. 


Parents permission

When parents join the Splento App, they enter their permissions regarding who is allowed to see the photos that their child is in. This means the photos that the staff team sees in the marketing folder of the App have already been given the green light to use on their website or their Instagram page. This helps them spend more of their time finding the perfect photos than double-checking which parents have stated that their children can be used for marketing purposes. 

Consent is already granted by the parent and does not need to be sought after through paper forms and signatures.


What photos to upload?

When staff members take the photos they will go onto the app, automatically sending them to the parents who are allowed to see these photos. Parents will then be able to engage with these images, through liking and commenting. This feedback is very useful to the admin team will be able to see how the parents react with these photos. This in turn helps the marketing team with the photos that they choose to then use to promote their summer camp, as they can see which type of photos parents really like. 


Summer camp outreach



The marketing team will also have an easier time finding the perfect photo to use to promote their summer camp. Staff members will take the photos and those that the marketing team are allowed to use will be sent to them. As we have already seen, the marketing team are then able to choose the photos they want to use to put on their Facebook page or website. 

It makes sense for a summer camp to show the vast amount of activities that they have, as they want new customers to see all the different skills their children could learn. Meaning, the marketing team would normally have to go through a huge number of photos to find the content that shows the children going on a nature hike or decorating a cookie. 

With our filtering system, the marketing team can select a tag, such as ‘outside’, and will be able to see all the photos of the children outside. Of course, as time goes on and the filter system is developed by the team, it will become more specific and more useful. The marketing team will be able to drill down the selected photos by using a ‘cookie’ tag, or ‘archery’, for example. 


Taking photos

Staff members who have been chosen to take the photos will have their own account under the business login. It is simple for a staff member to take these videos and photos of the children enjoying their time; all they have to do is log on to their account, click on the App camera button and start snapping. Photos and videos can be taken in seconds, meaning that not only more visual content will be created, but that far less will miss being captured.


Don’t be surprised by how useful the Splento App is when you start to use it. As we have seen, this app makes it easier for the marketing team to know what parents love to see and saves time finding all of the amazing photos they are able to use.

On top of that, all of these photos that are taken are already small-screen friendly, as well as being easy to move to the social media platform that you use for marketing.

If this sounds like something you could use, then book a free demo with us today, to see all these features in action.  

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