
4 of the most important sales trends you need to know for 2021


Consumer habits and interests are fluid. For your business to succeed, you need to forecast changes and adapt to new trends. This article will delve into some of the main trends of 2021 to help you map out your strategy for grabbing more sales. 


Using videos to connect more with audiences

According to forecasts by HubSpot, videos will bring three times more connections with customers in 2021.

Videos give you a wider reach because they’re easily shareable. Plus, you can use them to tell more vivid stories that make your customers want to hear you out and connect with you. 

If your sales programs don’t incorporate videos, there’s a high chance that you’ll lag behind your competitors. Consider using videos in every part of your sales process. For instance, you can make videos to:

    • Entice prospects. Here you can focus on creating a buzz around your products by crafting video stories, incorporating videos on your blog, or using influencers. 
    • Nurture leads. By telling past customers more about what you have to offer, you can boost your levels of repeat custom. These videos can be how-to product or service guides that keep a sharp focus on the benefits to the customer. You can also use testimonial videos to hook customers. 

Investing in training to bring your team up to speed with the latest trends in videos can help shake off the competition so you can come out on top. 

Especially since research and forecasts point to the fact that videos are easier to consume than long blogs, more and more people will be watching videos on the internet. For instance, Cisco’s Virtual Networking Index predicts that by 2022, 85% of traffic on the internet will be videos. 


Data-driven automation tools 

According to McKinsey and Company, eCommerce saw a 10-year growth spurt in 2020 induced by the governmental lockdowns. The growth of eCommerce gave customers an appetite for a richer digital shopping experience. 

Data-driven tools like chatbots help provide faster, easier, and more smooth-flowing interactions with customers at any time of the day or night. Plus, because customers have more options at their fingertips, sales reps often have to act fast or lose out to the competition. 

Embracing data-driven tools and automation software programs can help your business stand its ground in 2021. Consider investing in the right tools, such as:

    • Prospecting tools. Zoom Info and other prospecting tools help to dig for prospects and sift them according to how likely they are to be a match for your products or services based on their data.
    • Calendar apps. Scheduling tools like Calendly work to smoothen the way you set up meetings with prospects.
    • Call automation tools. Call analyzing solutions like Chorus record calls and help sales reps hear for themselves where they’re missing the mark. With the insights you derive, you can set up programs to train and improve your sales pitches.
    • CRM tools. Customer relationship management tools like HubSpot cut down on mundane tasks for reps and free up their time to quickly follow up on customers. 

Remember to balance automation with the human touch. For instance, some CRM email automation software allows you to send multiple emails to recipients quickly and easily. However, a spray and pray approach, where you don’t customize but send out as many emails as possible and hope for the best, may be counterproductive. So, pick your automation tools with care. 


Integration of sales and marketing

The business landscape experienced a shift due to the lockdown events of 2020, which changed consumer behaviour and business practices, prompting organizations to align sales and marketing to reel in more customers. 

Consider using strategies that harmonize your sales and marketing programs to fine-tune the way you reach out to customers. For instance, account-based marketing weaves together sales and marketing so both teams can zone in on specific best-fit accounts to avoid wasting resources. 

According to a study by Marketo, 8 out of 10 marketers said account-based marketing has helped them grow and get longer customer lifetime values. With lockdown-related disruptions, account-based marketing can help retain your business revenue while holding down costs. 

Research by Sirius Decision showed that 46% of companies increased their average deal size by more than 50% with account-based marketing.

In today’s dynamic business environment, implementing advanced sales lead management software can further enhance your organization’s ability to streamline lead generation, optimize customer interactions, and capitalize on the synergies between sales and marketing efforts, ultimately fostering sustained growth and resilience.


Empathy and relationship building 

Many people lost their jobs because of the uncertainties of 2020. In addition, economic reports say that 60% of businesses that went under during the periods of lockdowns and other restrictions failed to get a new lease on life. These statistics point to the high levels of financial trauma that your prospects may be going through. 

To resonate better with customers in 2021, your sales programs will typically need to be sprinkled with an abundance of empathy. On top of that, trust-building and forming meaningful relationships will give you a higher chance of clicking with customers. 

Sales reps who make an effort to connect and strike a chord with customers will typically gain more trust. Consider improving the way you relate to customers by:

    • Practising active listening skills. Make sure the buyer knows you’re all ears; for example, you can paraphrase what they say to show that you’re listening.  
    • Researching the customer. When you understand the customer, you better understand their needs. This helps you set the tone for a more fruitful discussion. 


Selling in 2021

The way businesses operate has changed and is not likely to make a U-turn. To win more sales in 2021, consider broadening your use of videos and automation programs. In addition, bring sales in tune with marketing. Most importantly, use empathy to build lasting relationships with your customers.

Author Bio

Laura Jelen is truly passionate about the power of the written word. She believes that through clear, concise writing, content creators have the opportunity to help business professionals develop important new skills which will allow them to grow in their careers.

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