
10 things to share with your family, using the Splento App Great for sharing, photos are a perfect way to keep in touch with family


The Splento App is a digital album for parents to upload photos of their children growing up. It’s a place to securely keep all of these memories in one place for your children to look through when they are older and remember all of the exciting experiences they had and the stories that go with it. 

But it is also more than that, it is a place for a parent to be able to share the photos with their family and others of their choosing, for them to be able to enjoy these memories as well. 

There are many opportunities in a child’s life where a snapshot can capture the joy in their eyes. 

Here are our 10 examples of photos to share with your family.


School photos

Oh… the dreaded school photos that occur at the start of every school year, when the photographers come to the school, set everything up and then, one by one, commences the parade of students flashing their toothy grins. (Or in my case, a toothless grin with both front teeth gone – we can all imagine how funny that looked).

But these photos are a way for many parents and children to remember how they changed from year to year. 

With the Splento App, our approved and vetted photographers take the photos, and then the school uploads them to the app platform, where they are automatically distributed to each parent’s private album.

This provides a way for parents to keep the photos forever, without paying the huge costs usually associated with the traditional school images. With everything on the app, parents are able to share these photos with grandparents, aunts and uncles, for them to enjoy as well. 


Great family photo ideas


Holiday photos

Family holidays are great for many reasons; it’s a chance to spend time away from work and relax with your family, and have a chance to create new memories to look back on. There are many places that a family can go to, and whether it’s a “staycation” or travelling abroad, memories are made everywhere.

Snapping photos of the children at Butlins or at Disneyland Paris is the perfect way to save all of these experiences for you and your children to remember when they are older. 

And these holidays aren’t just for the immediate family, they are also enjoyed with the extended family, such as grandparents.

With the Splento App, parents can share and collaborate with different family members if they choose, meaning grandparents will also have the chance to upload photos of their grandchild from the holiday, where they can all be sorted into one album. 


Sports photos

Many children, whether it is at school or an outside club, do sports, such as dance, netball, or football. During their development with this physical activity, they learn many things and experience many events; there’s practice and then there are the games that they will play. 

The Splento App can capture the joy that the children have for this interest and share it with parents, who can then share it with more family members.

During the events that their children will compete in, the photos will be able to be capture every important moment – when they score a goal, block the other team from passing the ball, win a competition or anything else.

With life being so spontaneous, different family members might not be able to attend every event, and being able to share these photos in a safe way allow grandparents or parents to feel they are there watching their child take part, even if they are not able to be physically there on the day. Near-instantaneous upload and delivery of photos will bring the action to them on their mobile device.


Birthday photos

Once a year, a child has a chance to have a day all about themselves, where they can tear the wrapping paper off their presents and whisper a wish as they blow the little dancing flames from the candles; it’s a magical day.

Families enjoy celebrating the birthdays of each other, but we know how vast the world is and many people have different family members living in a number of countries; from The Netherlands to Singapore. The Splento App is a way to interconnect with every family member – no matter where they live.

Your little one might be waking up while at the same time your parents are getting ready for bed, but with the app, it will feel like they are all in the same time zone. 


Summer camp photos

Many children spend their summer at a camp, where they have different opportunities to learn new skills and make new friends for life. Photos are taken by the camp leaders to capture these memories in the making and once uploaded onto the Splento App, parents can see them wherever they are.

The chance to see their child experience different activities, such as art and crafts, rock-climbing or any other activity, isn’t just for parents but for the whole family to see the delight that gleams from the child’s smile.

On the Splento App, the user can invite grandparents to view and comment on their grandchild’s photos, giving them insight into what they are doing at the summer camp. A chance to see their grandchild enjoying their artistic talent, even with most of the glitter shining all over their fingers and face, rather than on the masterpiece they are creating.


Lazy day photos

When we entered the first round of lockdown, most of us had no idea what to expect as none of us had ever experienced anything like it before.

This resulted in a lot of days where many of us relaxed and had the cliche lazy days (that turned into weeks) and they were great.

However, with the enforced separation, a lot of families realised how much they were missing seeing their niece/nephew or their grandchild and weren’t seeing them grow each day. There are many different photography apps such as Instagram, but not everyone is on the platform, and anyone who follows the account can see the photos posted – even the ones of their child sitting in front of the T.V. and watching their favourite cartoon.

This doesn’t make for the most entertaining Instagram post, but it is exactly the sort of photo that grandma would appreciate.

The Splento App is the perfect place for a parent to post a lazy day photo of their child, without having to share it with everyone in the public domain. Images can be shared with only those few you wish to share the specific photo, or album, with.


Day trip photo

It’s a Saturday, the children are off from school and you are off from work, the sun is out in the clear blue sky with no dark gloomy clouds shouting that rain is arriving… so a day trip it is!

There are many places a family can go to – the park, the beach, or even a museum to learn all about the history of the planet. Photos are snapped to forever remember this day that the family spent together, away from the house and away from the same daily routine that they do five days a week.

With these photos, and the Splento App, the user simply adds them to an album, name it, and then share the link with other family members for them to see how much fun their day was. 


Ideas for the Splento App


Sports day photos

In primary school, sports day was also an event for parents or other family members to join if they can, whereas in secondary school this is mainly an event for the students.

Photos are taken to capture and showcase the students’ successes, whether that is winning a race or beating their own record.

A Splento App user can share these photos with their family, and give grandparents and others the chance to be involved in their child achieving their goals and having fun. 


Drama photos

All children have different skills, and finding love in acting and performing is perfect to capture with a photo. There are many clubs, in school and out of school, and the staff are able to snap photos of the students rehearsing, as well as performing to an audience, and then upload them to the Splento App.

Sharing these behind the scenes and on stage photos to the family, is a way to help the members who couldn’t attend feel that they were sitting in the audience with the rest of the family. 


World Book Day photos

Celebrating books and reading is something that occurs once a year, and schools allow children to dress up as their favourite book character. Every student dresses differently, some from Roald Dahl’s creations, some from Harry Potter and many other children’s books. 

Parents can sometimes spend hours creating amazing outfits for their children to wear when they are at school. Sharing photos like these with different family members allows them to see the fun and excitement that the child experiences, as well as learning about the books enjoy most. 

There are many different photos and events that a user can share with the family using the Splento App, and these are just a few ideas to get you started. 

Photos are a beautiful way to share the memories of your child with your family, to make everyone feel that they are together even when they are not. 


The Splento App is available to try now – for free!

Hit the button below to try out Splento App for yourself and start sharing all your favourite photos with your family and friends, today!

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Contact Splento if you are in need of:

Event Photography and Videography

Professional Headshots

eCommerce Photography and Videography