
Why All Successful Companies Keep Investing in Travel Imagery

Why All Successful Companies Keep Investing in Travel Imagery


The quick development of social media has affected all existing sectors and industries. It should be no surprise then that travel industry concurs the world with incredibly attractive travel imagery.

All social media channels such as Flickr, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram and many others include image-based elements in their interface. Not to mention the recent Facebook change in its Timeline layout, where now both profile and background pictures account for more than 50% of what you see on your page at first. Pinterest with its simple idea of sharing images has become the third most popular social channel with 10.4 million active users. And not so long ago, Google Places turning into Google+ Local led to more prominent and visible images than ever on this local-based channel.

Before potential customers make their final decision regarding the place they are going to, they might want to have a quick look at their chosen destination and virtually explore the place. Be it Google maps street view or photos on the website, all these are visual based products. For example, on Pinterest, Travel & Places category appears to be one of the top 10 most frequently pinned-to categories. In February 2012, RJMetrics reported that the 3rd top source of pins on Pinterest was Flickr.com, another image-gallery based channel.

That is why many hoteliers started to realise the importance of sharing amazing images on social media. It enables them to engage with a wider audience and, thus, helps to promote their businesses organically. One should take into account that on Pinterest more than 80% of all pins are repins. That is a great way to expand your the social reach of your images by adding them to Flickr and pinning them from this gallery to Pinterest. Relevant images will direct potential customers to the images of your hotel and at the same time, if popular enough, become viral.  

Images play a crucial role in marketing campaign. Great availability of different social media channels makes it easier for you to attract necessary attention and gain new customers. That is why high quality photos are the integral part of your marketing strategy. Splento can easily help you with that: just book a professional photographer on demand and organize a photo-session in a matter of minutes. Affordable prices and top-class professional quality are guarantors of your success.

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