
The importance of quality photography for your eCommerce eCommerce ROI - the benefits of high-quality product photographs


If you are just starting to get interested in eCommerce photography you are probably making the transition into the eCommerce market. If so, congratulations! Selling in the eCommerce market is a shrewd move as it can be a highly lucrative business.

However, there are definitely things you should be doing as an eCommerce merchant to maximise your profits. One of the most important things you can do is invest in high-quality eCommerce product photography. We will share all of the vital information on eCommerce photography to ensure the future success of your eCommerce business.

In this post we will cover:

    • What is product photography?
    • What is eCommerce product photography?
    • The importance of product photography in eCommerce
    • Product photography statistics
    • The importance of product photography in advertising
    • Lifestyle vs product photography

What is product photography?

Product photography is photography for commercial purposes. The photographer takes the photos to present the product in the best light so that it looks representative of how it appears to the naked eye, and so that it looks attractive to the customer. Product photography can be used for marketing campaigns, as well as product pages and even social media posts.

What is eCommerce product photography?

eCommerce product photography also referred to as eCommerce photography, is the term used to describe product photography where the photos are taken for eCommerce stores. Because online shoppers don’t have the advantage of seeing the product in real life they are reliant upon the product image to decide whether to buy your product. If you want to make a sale, an eCommerce photo is crucial.


eCommerce quality photography


The importance of product photography in eCommerce

The importance of product photography in eCommerce is immense: when shopping online, shoppers do not have the benefit of being able to see the product before them – but photos are the perfect solution to this.  There are so many benefits of product photography:

    • They provide your customers with a clear image of what they will expect to receive.
    • A high-quality image implies that your product is high quality; it creates a good first impression of your brand.
    • You inspire trust in your customers to buy from your eCommerce store with confidence.
    • Photographic images are more appealing than written copy.
    • Photographs are an excellent way to establish your brand identity.
    • Photography plays a key role in the decision-making process – it will increase your conversion rate.
    • Product photos can be used as a marketing touchstone across all of your marketing channels.
    • Images are more accessible to mobile audiences.
    • Custom product photography is far more beneficial than stock photography – you can show the USPs of your product to stand out in the market.


Product photography statistics

Still not convinced of the high value of product photography? Here are some statistics which solidify the significance of product photography for your eCommerce store.

    • 65% of the population are visual learners. This means that visual information i.e. photographs will influence their minds more than written words.
    • 90% of online buyers say that photo quality is the most important factor in an online sale. Without product photography, your business will suffer.
    • Good product photography can increase your conversion rate by 30%.
    • 75% of online shoppers rely on a product photo to make a decision. This is an overwhelming amount of customers who rely on product photos – without product photos, imagine the three-quarters of customers you are losing out on.
    • Good product photography is 40% more likely to be shared from your social media accounts. Not only does product photography increase your conversion rate, but it provides you with increased brand exposure. According to HubSpot, photographic content is the most popular method of consumer engagement.
    • 70% of companies invest in content marketing which could include product photography. All of the big players are investing in content marketing and you would be wise to do so as well. Product photography for your eCommerce store can be recycled into visual content to market your brand at no extra cost.


The importance of product photography in advertising

Product photography is not only essential for your sales but your advertising. As the saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words; a photograph has the wonderful ability to evoke feelings from its viewer without communicating them verbally. This is indispensable to your marketing. Images are a quick way to get a message across – it does not take a lot of time for an image to make an impact on your customer.

As we have mentioned, 65% of the population are visual learners. To reach as many customers as possible, you should be using product photography in your advertisements as images are most likely to resonate with them as opposed to plain, written ads. In an increasingly visual world, the importance of visual content in marketing has never been greater. Product photography can be used across all marketing channels such as paid advertisements and social media accounts. 


Lifestyle vs product photography

Lifestyle product photography is one form of product photography that shows your product in context, as part of a lifestyle. Some eCommerce platforms like Amazon will also require your product photos to be taken against a white background, but many businesses are using lifestyle product photography to help their customers visualise a lifestyle using their product. A study conducted by Big Commerce suggests that 78% of online shoppers want photographs to bring products to life. This suggests an appetite for more creative lifestyle product photos from customers, and can therefore be highly beneficial to your eCommerce business.



An investment in product photography for your eCommerce business is one of the best business decisions you will make. Not only will you see your conversion rate improve, but you can improve your marketing campaigns with excellent custom images, highlight the USPs of your product through imagery, establish your brand identity, and attract new customers. The benefits of product photography far outweigh the initial costs.

If you require a product photographer for your eCommerce store, talk to Splento today for a reliable, on-demand photographer at an affordable, fixed rate. Feel free to contact a member of the Splento team who will be more than happy to help you with any questions you have – and make sure to ask about their current 360 product video offer.


Contact Splento if you are in need of:

Event Photography and Videography

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eCommerce Photography and Videography