
Marketing for wedding videographers  Tips to spread the word about your wedding videography


The wedding industry is in constant demand and highly competitive. Whether it’s venues, catering, music, or videography, couples are always looking to hire the best for their wedding.

As a wedding videographer, you’re going to want to stand out from a crowd of 16-year-old videographers looking to shoot for their high school media art project (for free), as well as fully-established video production companies – and everyone in between.

If you’ve found yourself in a slump when it comes to booking weddings this year, you might want to consider some of these highly effective tips to marketing your wedding videography services. 


Top marketing tips for wedding videographers

1. Team up with wedding vendors

One of our top tips is to reach out to wedding vendors such as venue providers, caterers and DJs so that you can promote each other when it comes to wedding hires. Couples are more likely to ask already hired vendors for referrals, so if the opportunity presents itself, you can relax knowing you’ve got the rest of the team on your side. 

Don’t be intimidated by getting to know other videographers as well. A friendship with other wedding videographers can prove beneficial if they’re unable to shoot on a booked date or require an extra hand.


2. Attend wedding fairs

Wedding fairs are common in most cities, and making your business presence known can be an important step in booking wedding shoots. Wedding fairs are great opportunities to meet your target audience – future wedded couples, and make your style and skill apparent.

Make sure you have a device to showcase your portfolio highlights as well as brochures, business cards and other important material to hand out to potential clients. 

Even under current circumstances, wedding fairs are still happening! Depending on your location, they may be virtual, but even these are proving to be amazingly successful.


3. Optimize your website

As a wedding videographer, a website is non-negotiable. You must have a website up to showcase your past work as this will be the first point of contact for your clients. Be sure to include your most recent work, contact information and a short biography. 

Optimise your website for mobile users so that clients can check out your work on the go. You can also mention locations and vendors for your videos so as to help your client with their wedding pursuit. 


4. Use Pinterest to get attention

What’s the first thing she does when he pops the question? Surprisingly, it’s often opening up saved wedding ideas on Pinterest. Couples love to take in all the visual wedding content available on Pinterest and derive their own wedding ideas from the same. 

With videos playing in real-time on Pinterest feeds, wedding videographers can gain maximum traffic to their website by linking to posts on Pinterest. Couples are looking for inspiring content to plan their weddings, so use strong colour palettes and post sentimental wedding content.


5. Use Facebook for target marketing

Start your own Facebook business account to keep track of analytics and to target specific demographics. This way when you post a new video, you can use the boost post option to select your target audience to be engaged couples in your area, which can help acquire many potential new leads. 


Wedding videography is the best way for you to get the top buck for your videography services. But getting into this business means being proactive and actively pursuing potential clients, and not waiting for couples to come knocking at your door. 

Following our top tips on wedding videography can help you pave the way for your future in the wedding industry and establish a reputable wedding videography business. 


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