
A survival guide to remote food photography Boost your business' professional visual content


As a business who relied on professionals to assist you in styling and capturing your food content prior to the lockdown period, you might be wondering what the future will look like with social distancing rules. Don’t panic, Splento is here to help. 

Photographing your food content is not a synonym of expensive

As professional photographers, we too often come across posts advising you to buy the latest and most expensive material. It’s almost like an addiction but let’s be real, the material won’t give you the talent. In a period where revenues might be tight, there is no point in entering the vicious cycle of continuously chasing new (and more expensive) lenses or accessories. You might think that using a brand new iPhone will do the job? Well, here again, you will soon realise that producing food content on your social media requires a large time investment where you may find yourself falling short of quality. The solution? Rent all the material you need in a few clicks

What’s in there for you?

  • A high-quality DSLR camera 
  • A lens adapted to your needs (35, 55 MM…)
  • A tripod
  • A reflector (especially for natural light photography)
  • A basic light kit (we cannot emphasise it enough: light is the shining key to food photography) 
  • Mini Clamps to help you maintain everything in place

The future of socially-distanced food photography 

Despite the slow re-opening of businesses across the country, many freelancers have been worried about the disruption of their activities and the past months’ consequences over their business’s survival. One can hardly predict what the future will be made of but one thing is certain, you can find ways to keep your creative momentum going. Re-thinking our services during the pandemic led our team to launch an on-demand photograph material renting service. Delivered to your door and contact-free, with all the flexibility you have been waiting for since the early stages of launching your own business.

Plate of beautiful food - Product photography

Practice, practice and practice your food styling 

In the absence of a professional to guide you, there are no ways around practising your photography skills to showcase your best foodie creations. That’s why we created a short guide to help you experience new styling tricks and upgrade your food photography to the next level. Exercise your attention to details and create your own professional food photographer props. You can even use a spare bottle to emphasise the best strength of your dish and add a crisp and fresh look. Whether you have a limited apartment space or accessories available, following these simple tips should help you produce high-quality digital content. Looking for more ideas to try out? You can even check out Splento’s video on photography during lockdown. 

Splento Food Photography

One more thing… Social distancing does not mean Splento’s team forgot about your post-production needs. Get in touch with our team who will always go the extra mile to deliver your photos professionally edited in 24 hours. Stay safe and creative!

And do check out our unique Splento Foodie challenge to visit and photograph 100 000 best restaurants around the world.


Contact Splento if you are in need of:

Event Photography and Videography

Professional Headshots

eCommerce Photography and Videography