
Splento Foodie

Splento Foodie


Hi there

I’m Splento Foodie and it’s really nice to meet you! 

As you may have guessed, Splento isn’t my first name and Foodie isn’t my surname. 

Foodie is my calling and Splento is the wonderful company that allows me to pursue my calling with lots of unbridled enthusiasm! 

My real name is Kate. I am 25 years old, I live in London and I love great food, awesome restaurants and amazing people that run them and work in them. Hats off to you for all the hard work and amazing service you deliver! Thank you! I can only imagine how hard 2020 must have been for you.   

I do have a dream and I want to share it with you. 

I would love to visit all the hidden gastronomic gems (4* and 5* on Google Maps) on Earth, which I estimate to be in the region of 100,000 places. But let’s face it – it’s impossible for one person to visit all 195 countries and 100k+ restaurants (although after the great Covid-19 recession, unfortunately the number of great restaurants may have decreased). 

I thought long and hard about how I can visit all of them and together with my team we found a way!

Everyone now has a top-notch camera in their pocket (called a smartphone), but not many of us know how to take great food photos. So we decided to develop an app that will take everything that our professional food photographers have learned over the years and put it into a nifty AI-algorithm inside this app – which will allow anyone (including yourself) with a smartphone to take professional grade food photos and videos.

Paraphrasing Nike’s motto – our mission is simple: to bring inspiration and innovation to every photographer* in the world.
*If you have a smartphone, you are a photographer.

It will take months to fully develop this app, so whilst we are writing the code for the Splento Food Photography App (a professional photographer in your pocket with examples, hints and best practice guides for 10,000 dishes) – I have asked thousands of our photographers, videographers and team members around the world – who go to restaurants every day – to send me their best picks (and pics as well).  

My job now is very straightforward – to regularly speak with Splentoites (yep, that’s what we call Splento employees, photographers, videographers and editors) and process their best recommendations. 

Some of them are Michelin starred restaurants, some are pop-up vans, hipster burger joints and even Burger Kings. Whatever rocks your boat! As long as it’s 4* or 5* in your opinion – it will work. Simple! 

So if you work for Splento and have a favourite restaurant (or two) in your neighbourhood – please send your review to me (preferably with some photos) and I’ll post them to our Instagram (tagging yourself and the restaurant – if you prefer) and leave a review on Google Maps.  

If you want to start taking professional quality food photos, then check out this Ultimate Food Photography App.

Yours truly, 


Splento Foodie


Contact Splento if you are in need of:

Event Photography and Videography

Professional Headshots

eCommerce Photography and Videography