
8 simple steps to hiring the right event photographer How to make your event photography hiring run smooth


When trying to find the right event photographer for your function, it’s important to find the right fit. From experience, we know that there is the right event photographer out there for you and your specific event. 

Here, we will provide you with recommendations for hiring an event photographer through 8 simple steps. 

    • Set a budget
    • Decide on a photographic style
    • Check out their portfolio
    • Know their experience level
    • Know when you will get your photos
    • Know what is included in your package
    • Make sure that you get along
    • Meet and plan

Hiring an event photographer is not difficult, but it can be easy to get it wrong. Make sure you follow all these steps to ensure you hire the best possible event photographer who will create the most amazing results for you. Here are our top 8 event photographer hiring tips:


Hiring an event photographer


Hiring an event photographer: Recommendations 

1. Set a budget 

Before you begin your search for an event photographer, it is important to know what you can afford. Take a look at your overall event budget and deduce from that how much you can spend on photography. 

Splento offers event photography at a flat fee of just £99 per hour


2. Decide on a photographic style 

It can be useful to decide on the style of images that you would like to get out of your event, in order to ensure your event photographs complement your marketing strategy. To do this we recommend putting together a mood board of previous corporate event photography styles that you like. An easy platform to do this on is social media giant Pinterest, as it has an abundance of event photography inspiration.


3. Check out their portfolio

To find out if an event photographer’s work possesses your desired vibe, be sure to check out their portfolio. They are likely to have their own portfolio web page that you can look through to determine whether they would be a suitable fit, but you may also find them on social media (especially Instagram) and work from that. 


4. Know their experience level 

You can gauge an event photographer’s general experience level by having a browse through their portfolio and seeing what type of work they have done previously. However, we would definitely suggest reaching out to the event photographer for clarification on the scale of the work that they have done before to ensure that their experience level matches your expectations.


5. Know when you will get your photos

Confirm with your potential event photographer how long after the photoshoot you can expect to receive your retouched photos. It is important that you feel confident you will receive your photographs promptly so that you can share them on your socials in a reasonable amount of time after your event – preferably within a day (or two at most).

Splento has an event photography turnaround time of 24 hours, within which you can expect to receive your expertly retouched photos.


Hiring the best event photographer


6. Know what is included in your package

You must know what is included in your event photography pricing when your event photographer quotes you – to eliminate any unexpected costs at the end.

Event photographers often sell their services in a comprehensive package deal which can provide you with peace of mind that the event photography is accounted for in your budget.

Splento’s flat fee of £99 an hour for event photography is a comprehensive package deal that includes a free consultation, and all of your best photos digitally retouched. 


7. Make sure that you get along

You should feel comfortable having an open dialogue with your event photographer throughout the process. You also want them to be a friendly presence at your event.


8. Meet and plan 

It is important that your event photographer knows what you want out of the shoot, so this is something to discuss between yourselves. To find out what to ask your event photographer, check out this post on 10 questions to ask your event photo team.


So that is what to know when hiring an event photographer. Stick to these 8 points and you will find your event photography should go smoothly and create some fantastic photos for you.

If you are interested in finding out more about Splento’s event photography, then feel free to check out their cost-effective package on their event photographer page.


Don’t miss out on exceptional photography services! Locate a photographer near me now at Splento.