
5 steps for how to refresh your brand image Refreshing your brand media assets


Image source: solidsmack.com

You’ve decided to it’s time to refresh your brand image – perhaps your current look is a little dated, or maybe you’re emerging from the early 2020 business lull and realised that the iron is hot and it’s time to strike.

Maybe you’ve reviewed your visual assets and realised something more is needed. Take a look here if you need help reviewing your brand media library.

A brand refresh is more than just a new look – it’s a smart business move that will increase your turnover, as done right – not only to you re-establish your relationship with your existing customers, you also come to the attention of new ones.

Post-Covid Brand Report

Your customers and their needs are always changing, but we have seen this happen faster in 2020 than at any previous time.

Splento has produced a free report on brand engagement, explaining what you can do to re-engage your customers in this post-pandemic world.

It’s completely free and is downloadable by clicking below:



So what is the next step? Here are Splento’s 5 steps to a brand refresh.


1. Refresh your logo

Not all brand refresh plans will include a logo tweak – some logos are such an important part of the business that they should be left alone. Many though, start to look tired or dated after several years of excellent service, so unless there is string reason to keep it the same, take a pragmatic view of your logo. Maybe it was originally decided upon because you liked it at the time, but it has no meaning or direct connection to the company at all.

As with most things refresh – we are not meaning a completely new design – a small change to modernise, a change of font in the name – the decisions should be based on whether the current logo still represents your company as it is today, and whether it reflects your current core customers. One effective way to enhance your brand’s visibility is to add logo to photo content, creating a consistent and professional image.

If you want to increase your market share and reach out to a new demographic, then this is usually a smart move.

Image of brand logos on deckchairs

2. Refresh your colour palette

Colour fashions change over time; what once was seen as representing quality and reliability may now be interpreted as something completely different.

Your colour palette dictates almost every aspect of your visual representation – website, social media presence, paperwork, packaging, and so on.

Take some time to research current colour trends and decide which colour primarily represents your brand the most. This primary colour is the one that should appear, in some form, on just about everything branded.

After this, you can choose your complementary colours – either variations on the main theme or completely contrasting. This will be affected by your company style, your primary customer base and how much visual representation you rely on.

An online-only brand (ie. a Saas company) will have different requirements to one that has a bricks and mortar store and produces physical goods. A colour on screen can send a very different message to one that is printed across a range of packaged items.

Another decision to make is whether to build on your existing palette (if your brand has a strong association with a specific colour) or whether to switch to something completely new, which will create some great hype and media exposure and easier allow for new demographic reach.


3. Refresh your stock photo library

Your stock photos are a goldmine for your visual identity.

Whenever you need a new visual – whether a web page, social media post or even printed media – you need a stock of images that are as much a part of your brand image as your logo.

A series of professional photographs do not need to be expensive – but they can add a quality standard that is otherwise hard to capture. A large portfolio of images taken together also means that you have a set of related images – in theme, colour tone and style. Photos taken at different times and by different photographers can be disjointed and this looks odd when you put them together for a marketing campaign or develop new web pages.

Social media posts, especially, should always be consistent, as it is these images that customers will probably see most frequently. As a part of your branding, your stock photos should be as recognisably related to your business as your logo and colour palette are.

While refreshing your photo stock – have some video footage filmed at the same time; there is now so much that can be done with video that wouldn’t work even just a few years ago, but now there is ample evidence that video is the most cost-effective (and successful) visual media you can use.


4. Refresh your other branded content

Having done the above, take a look at your other content – your social media presence, your website, your blog and any other customer touchpoints you have (emails, newsletters, etc).

Now you have some amazing visual content and a new colour scheme, roll it out across the board – and do it simultaneously.

Have a launch event (either physical or virtual, depending on circumstances) and treat it like you would a product launch; it’s that important!

(If you have a new product launch on the horizon, tie these all together and make everything go with a bang!).

This is a newsworthy event – get the press involved, mailshot or email all your customers (and suppliers), take out ads if your budget allows.

Make a splash and show off your new look!

Brand identity book on a desk

5. Refresh your tone of voice

Whilst focussing on your visual appeal, don’t forget your written word.

Your tone of voice in your marketing and sales is a part of your brand also. Give it as much of a review as your visuals, as it may need modernising.

If you have in-house copywriters, get them to produce a few new tone styles that align with the new image (younger, more modern – whatever is appropriate). It may simply be a case of renaming some of your products, or it may mean addressing your whole company literature / website wording / styling.

This is often the area that gets overlooked in a brand refresh – make sure that the words that represent your brand represent the new you.

To help give you some inspiration, Splento has brought together some brief overviews of some great examples of brand refreshes, so be sure to check them out.

If you think a brand refresh may help propel your business to the next level, then contact Splento today and find out how to take your own first steps to refresh.


1. What is brand image, and why is it important? Brand image is the perception of your brand in the minds of consumers. It’s crucial because it influences customer loyalty, attracts new clients, and differentiates you from competitors. A positive brand image can lead to increased sales and customer trust.

2. How often should I refresh my brand image? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but a good rule of thumb is to review your brand image every 3-5 years. However, if there are significant changes in your market, audience, or industry trends, you may need to refresh sooner.

3. What are the signs that my brand image needs refreshing? Common signs include declining sales, negative customer feedback, a mismatch between your brand and current market trends, or a stagnant social media presence. If your brand no longer resonates with your target audience, it’s time for a refresh.

4. How can I ensure my brand refresh aligns with my target audience? Conduct thorough market research to understand your audience’s preferences and needs. Engage with your customers through surveys and focus groups to gather insights. Ensure that any changes reflect their values and expectations.

5. What is the role of a brand audit in refreshing a brand image? A brand audit assesses the current state of your brand, including strengths, weaknesses, and market position. It provides a comprehensive overview, helping identify areas for improvement and ensuring that your brand refresh strategy is effective and aligned with your goals.

6. How can social media help in refreshing my brand image? Social media is a powerful tool for brand refresh. It allows you to communicate directly with your audience, showcase new brand elements, and receive immediate feedback. Engaging content, consistent messaging, and active interaction can significantly boost your refreshed brand image.

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