
Top 5 video production management software The best project management software for filmmakers


Video production isn’t just ‘lights, camera, action!’ as almost every movie suggests. Things can get quite hectic in the process and there’s quite a lot to keep track of if you want your film coming out in one piece. 

Sometimes, it’s better to entrust the responsibility of overseeing a film production to specialist management software. Using the right video production software will ensure your shoot is well-organised and moves along smoothly. 

If you don’t use video production management software, your workload doubles as you have to stay on top of everything and micromanage different departments down to every last detail. 

Do yourself and your team a favour – pick out a video management software package that best suits your needs. Here’s a few of the best to help you make a well-informed decision.



StudioBinder offers cloud-based production management solutions for films and other video projects. Project managers can use the software to create and share storyboards for production, call sheets, script and schedules. StudioBinder allows access only through the website which means that there’s no app for it just yet – so no downloads are necessary. 

As an aspiring filmmaker starting out, the free version of StudioBinder can do plenty for your video productions. But as a seasoned veteran in producing, you might want to subscribe to the professional or studio version. 



Celtx began life as a comprehensive screenplay writing tool, that evolved to include some of the most important features to organise video productions. Celtx allows producers to take complete control of the filmmaking process with tools like script breakdowns, scheduling, and budgeting. 

The software is great for building documents and places a significant amount of focus on real-time collaboration to strengthen team contributions. 


Video Production Management Software


Gorilla Scheduling

Gorilla Scheduling is a desktop-based movie scheduling software for managing video productions. It’s primarily for scheduling purposes but you can buy and install other features separately.

The production management software offers a pop-up system for creating script breakdowns, models for call sheets, film credits, and storyboards. It’s user friendly and ensures you and your production team stays on schedule



Dramatify offers a range of video management tools that streamline the various processes, to help you work faster and smarter. The software lets producers carry out complex tasks like team communication, cue card creation, script breakdown, and scheduling reports.

Dramatify includes a messaging system that connects to email and contact management systems. The pricing is split into options of Pay As You Go or Fixed plans and is dependent on how many users are included in a project. 



Similar to Celtx, Yamdu is a great management software for producing documents. It is inclusive of useful features like breakdowns, shooting schedules, call sheets and announcements. This ensures your complex video projects flow smoothly as planned. 

Yamdu covers every step of the video production process, helping you break down and plan your shoots. Any filming professional could use this modern approach to video production to keep things on track.  


There are so many processes involved in video production from scheduling the cast to staying within your allocated budget. We have listed some of the best video production management software in the industry to optimise your production functions. 

It’s up to you to revolutionise the way your films are produced. When you have so many useful tools at your disposal, use them to get ahead of your competition. Choose from our recommendations of production management software to ensure your shoot is completed with total efficiency. 

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