
How to manage your business during and post coronavirus lockdown Top-5 tips from business owners


We believe there is power in community and this is exactly what we created during our first online roundtable discussion to uncover 5 tips to support fellow business owners during this time. 

Here is your list of TOP-5 tips to manage during and post coronavirus lockdown:

1. Free vs paid, that is the question! 

During these times it can be hard to know what to charge for and what not to charge for. Getting that balance can be difficult. Strategise how you plan to move forward, from both perspectives and use your network to discuss this if you are struggling to finalise your plan. Remember offering free resources is a channel to expose yourself to new people and the potential is there to convert them to paying customers during or post the crisis.

2. Continue to create and interact with your community 

At this time some of us might want to hide under a rock. However, this is a perfect opportunity to engage with your community in new ways and be a support to each other. If you haven’t already consider fun games, challenges and competitions to keep the communication interactive and engaging. 

3. Support support support 

We all need support and so we should. Ask for help, a quick catch up if you need it or lend an ear to a peer. It was evident that having the forum to talk openly with other business owners really benefited our roundtable panel, as it reinforced that we are in the same boat and we can ride this storm together! 

4. Keep learning 

As a result of this historical time many of us have had to learn technology that we’ve never heard of or even considered previously. You will make mistakes because you are learning, don’t be hard on yourself. Embrace this journey and continue to preserve, learning the things that will benefit you, your team and your customers.  

5. Stay flexible and innovate 

If this has shown us one thing, nothing is certain. Your business and revenue stream(s) can disappear overnight. When we come out of this crisis the world will be different, to what extent, time will tell. It is highly likely your business will look and feel different. Use innovation to your advantage to uncover new products and/or services you can deliver as a result of our new world.  

Flexibility is vital to ensure we can adapt and continue solving the problems of the world. Granted this might be in new markets but who said business was linear! Exciting times are ahead.

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