
How to get great video production services on a tight budget Price hacks for hiring your next videographer


Most people ask their videographer “How much will it cost?”, with the hope of hearing the lowest possible price, without any regard to how the quality will be affected by this price. While hiring your video production service, you may be keen to keep costs low due to tight budgets, but striking the right balance between cost and quality can be vital. 

The aim is to find a video production service that’s affordable, not cheap. Look for ways to lower the price but not at the cost of cutting out all the good aspects of the video. 

Professional videography services aren’t cheap, but there are ways around paying top prices. Here are some of the ways you can get great video services at lower costs. 


Consider multiple companies

While looking for a video production service, don’t just hire the first one you like. Take time researching the market, get multiple quotes and choose a videographer that fits both your budget and your required video type. 

Once you’ve narrowed down on a few companies, you can verify their performance through reviews and testimonials online. This should give you some insight into their work ethic and ability to get along with clients. If there are any hidden costs buried within the prices, you’ll definitely find out at this stage.


Look for new video production companies

Well-established video production companies that have been around for years often cost a fortune to hire. You can always hire a company that’s just starting out but talented beyond measure, and for an affordable price, as they haven’t taken over the market yet. 

Finding professional quality work at amateur level prices is possible if you’re willing to put some effort into the search. There is always, perhaps, some element of risk to make your video with a novice video production company but there’s plenty of sources on the internet to verify their credentials and quality of work.


Hire through referrals

It’s always a good idea to take personal referrals from someone you may know as it works out great in terms of budget as well as the quality of the video. Some videographers and video production companies offer discounts for referrals, and since it comes as a personal recommendation, it’s safe to assume that they are great at what they do.


Skip the fancy gear

Most top video production companies are equipped with high-tech gear like drones, 360-degree cameras, and cameras with 4k technology. While this equipment can make stunning visual content, it may not be the extra expense you want to incur on a low budget production. All this equipment may seem impressive but isn’t essential to your video and probably won’t be much of a help in delivering your story. 


When looking for affordable but high-quality video production services it’s important to understand the underlying factors that drive the cost and weigh it against how the video is going to help your purpose. If the benefits surpass the cost, then it is justified.

Splento offers affordable video services from professional videographers across the world. At only £149 per hour (inclusive of editing), Splento can help you get started on your video journey. 

Contact Splento today for any further information on prices and service quality.


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