
Food Delivery Industry’s TOP-25 CEOs and some very surprising findings about this elite group of high-performing executives


Food delivery companies are all the rage these days – both when it comes to keeping hungry populations satiated with burgers and pizzas, and hungry investors happy with extraordinary returns.

Over the past few years, Splento’s professional photographers have been helping some of these food delivery companies get amazing photos done all over the world, however in 2020 we saw an even more exciting opportunity and developed a food photography app that – with the help of our clever algorithms and AI – helps restaurants take professional grade photos without needing an actual photographer, thus saving the industry millions of dollars and multiple headaches.

During our R&D process we have spoken to countless restaurants, but also researched and gathered everything we could find about our potential clients. You can find a more detailed breakdown below, but did you know that:

  • All CEOs (but one) in the TOP-25 food delivery companies are male.
  • All CEOs (but two) in the TOP-25 food delivery companies are original founders.
  • Their average age as of December 2020 is 40.
  • The average number of employees across all companies is 6,204. But as with all averages – on the upper end you have Doordash with 17,575 and at the bottom of the Top-25 list you have Liv Up with just 319 employees.
  • The average capitalisation is $7.5b, but again that varies hugely from Doordash’s $50b to Liv Up’s $100m.
  • It’s important to note that some of the 25 companies have been already acquired, but are currently run as independent fiefdoms.
  • We haven’t included companies like Yandex.Food, as we couldn’t find any information about the number of employees or valuation.
  • We will continue expanding and updating the list, so if you find any information that may help us make this list more precise – please let us know by email or in the comments link below.
  • Naturally, there are many ways to rate the Top 25 food delivery companies: revenue, capitalisation, number of downloads (users, drivers or restaurants), number of orders, website traffic, etc. But as we all know – the most important part of any business is its people. After all, it’s always all about the people! So our rating is based on publicly available information regarding the number of full-time employees.
Food Delivery Industry's Top-25 CEOs
Food Delivery Industry’s Top-25 CEOs

If you found this article useful, you may find other articles about the food delivery industry interesting:

A) Should We All Become Food Photographers – Splento’s independent research about restaurant needs and challenges when it comes to food photography and working with food delivery industries.

B) TOP-25 food delivery companies doing visual content right – food delivery companies that actually got their visual content spot-on.


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