
What gives with emotion detecting tech?


There are multiple innovations and tech advances in our sector and within Splento such as facial recognition, computational photography, and drone tech. These advances usually come as a result of consumer demand, the need to increase efficacy in processes and natural evolution of digital competencies. However, some need careful consideration and development before becoming ‘market-acceptable’.

One such new product trend is emotion-detecting tech. This week, BBC News reported on AI Now Institute’s call for new laws to restrict the use of emotion-detecting tech, or affect recognition as it is formally known, saying ‘the field is built on markedly shaky foundations’ and ‘wants such software to be banned from use in important decisions that affect people’s lives and/or determine their access to opportunities.’

Responding to this statement, Splento CEO and founder, Roman Grigoriev, commented:

“Emotion-detecting tech is like a knife. It can be an incredibly useful tool that improves lives, but at the same time, it can be a very dangerous tool in the wrong hands. It’s very shortsighted to ban or restrict something just because it has the potential to be misused. Just like with knives, that cannot be bought by under 18s, the use of emotion-detecting tech should be regulated, but not restricted.”

You can read the full article here.

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