
How to find video marketing experts near me How to track down your perfect partner for video production


The route to finding a video marketing expert that you can work with when you need one can seem like a daunting task. A quick internet search will reveal that there are hundreds of video production companies and marketing agencies to choose from.

It’s a given now that to stay ahead of your competition, you need to be making video a part of your marketing strategy (if you’re not yet convinced, read why you need to market with video today).

So where to even start?

Even a search for ‘Local Video Company’ can produce far too many results to wade through.

It will take a little time, sure, but if you ask a few pertinent questions and satisfy yourself with the answers to each one, then it will start to narrow down the possible perfect partner on your hunt for a professional video marketing expert.

Broadly, the main areas to consider are:

  • Professional experience
  • Approachability
  • Comprehensive service
  • Availability
  • Their existing body of work
  • Independent recommendations (reviews)

1. Video marketing professional experience

What is the background and experience of the company?

Have they a solid body of work to demonstrate their various styles of video? Is it what you are looking for?

There are many different styles of video – read here for a comprehensive list of 33 business video ideas you can actually use.  You may already know what you are after and just need someone to bring your vision to video – or you may need help with the design and development of the idea.

Can the company you are considering so this? Will they work with you to develop your script and make creative suggestions?

This naturally leads on to the next question:

2. Can they communicate?

Good communications between you and the video marketing team are vital.

Communication is a two-way conversation. Not only do you need to be able to express yourself to the video team, and ask questions, but you also need to be able to listen to them and weigh up their advice and suggestions.

Video is a creative exercise and development can be quite fluid sometimes. Listening and communicating is important for both parties.

Ideally, you are looking for a company as a temporary partner on this project and should see them in this light.

It can be the difference between an OK video and a stunning one.

Filming a dancer - Video marketing experts

3. Do they have a comprehensive service?

Some projects may be very simple and straightforward, others may be hugely complex and span several individual projects over months or even years.

The company you are considering should be able to handle everything in-house, without outsourcing any part of the project, as this inevitably builds cost.

If your video marketing strategy is long term, then you need a company that will be there for the duration. You may be embarking on a major marketing campaign and want the quality and tonality to remain consistent.

Make sure the company you are looking to partner with on this adventure provides a fully comprehensive service – not just filming, editing, titles and graphics, but also other services as well. For example, over time, you will create a large amount of used (and unused) footage. Would they be comfortable re-editing it in the future, to reuse some of the film you have already paid for?

Do they have optional services such as the availability of drones for stunning overhead filming?

Overhead view of a house - Video marketing experts

With clever editing, old footage can be completely recreated into something new, which will save you not only money but valuable time as well. Not every company will be willing to do this.

The best video marketing businesses always need to be flexible and adaptive. They must be able to work locally and overseas if necessary. If your filming project means foreign travel, will you have to budget for their transport costs, or do they already have professionals working overseas, which means that for them, the work is still ‘local’?

Once filming and editing are complete, will they re-edit if you are not happy with the finished film, or is there an extra charge for this?

Also, under the current health circumstances, can they work as remotely and safely as conditions require?

4. Are they available?

Good videography services need to be flexible around the customer.

This may sound an obvious point, but sometimes gets overlooked until time and energy has been spent discussing other aspects of the project.

You are no doubt working to a deadline (as well as a budget) and smaller production companies may not always have the resources to fit in with your plans. Check this early on before too much time is spent discussing other requirements.

Once filming is completed, how much time will it take to edit and finish the footage? Sometimes this can take days or weeks (or, in a worst-case scenario, months).

5. Read some reviews.

Before booking anyone, read some reviews. Find out what others are saying about the company before finally committing yourself.

There are several places you can get independent reviews of any kind of service these days – one such example being Trustpilot – where verified reviews are written independently by customers.

Smiling swimmers - Video marketing experts

6. Alternatively…

If all this seems like a lot of hard work – that’s because it usually is!

If you need a marketing video, then you want the best. That makes it worth taking time to find the best service that you can.

Fortunately, there is an alternative to all the hard legwork we have described above.

Splento has already done all this hard work for you!

They have a wide range of professional videographers who are available wherever and whenever you need them.

Described as the only photo and video service you’ll ever need, Splento has full videography services for a fixed hourly rate – and most importantly, every professional has already been assessed and vetted in advance. This means that not only do you that they have the right experience for what you need, you also know that their work is of the highest standard.

Additionally, having been personally interviewed and put through a rigorous selection process, you can be assured that all their videographers and editors have been trained to produce the results that you want – but they also won’t be afraid to make suggestions based on their extensive experience.

Interview with Sadiq Khan - Video marketing experts

Splento videographers can work completely remotely, and you can book them for when you want them (even if that’s tomorrow). And your first finished edit? It will be delivered within 24 hours – guaranteed. (Even faster if you need it).

Splento has a long list of amazing customer reviews and, importantly, you can check-out them out online.

Best of all, that fixed hourly rate starts from just £149 per hour – which includes editing and finishing.

Take a look now at some of Splento’s portfolios.

For more information, contact Splento today and take the first step towards finding your ideal video marketing expert.

Contact Splento if you are in need of:

Event Photography and Videography

Professional Headshots

eCommerce Photography and Videography