
How Professional Shots Will Foster Your Business Blog Storytelling


Professional, high-quality photos are a great way to differentiate your business from the rest. While others may be using someone else’s photos or low-quality, low-budget shots, customers will surely notice and appreciate the work you put in into including professional shots in your blog posts.

They are also a great way to deepen the connection between the visual and textual components of your blog content. Readers will appreciate this, as it’s a great addition to user experience and the overall appeal of reading your blog. 

Here are some of the main advantages of deciding to invest more in professional shots for your business content:

Give Your Audience Original, Never-Seen-Before Content

The Internet is massive – and the blogging realm is no exception. Every company that leverages content marketing and runs a blog page has to post regularly in order to benefit from search engine and social media traffic. 

What this usually results in is recycled content that’s spun from existing articles and images. Big companies are trying to save time and money on blogging, so they rush and encourage posting just for posting’s sake. Just try doing a Google search for some of the companies that first come to your mind. After you visit their website, find their Blog section. Pay attention to the following things:

  • How regularly do they post content?
  • What is their style of writing?
  • Do they write to promote their services or establish themselves as leaders in their respective industries?
  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the quality of their business blog storytelling?
  • How many of them include multimedia content in their blog posts?
  • How much engagement does each of their posts receive (comments, likes, shares, etc.)?
  • Finally, how many of them include professional shots in their blog posts?


Here is your chance to do something entirely different and actually give your audience what they are looking for. You will rarely see professional shots as part of blog posts, so it’s something that will catch the eye of your readers and make them engage with your content. 

Stand Out From the Competition

Nowadays, blogs are produced quickly and on very low resources. Due to these factors, many company blogs don’t include pictures and photos at all. When they do, it’s usually unimpressive visual content that everyone’s seen already. The good news is that this tendency to neglect the visual can be your chance to stand out. 

“Rarely do we see awesome shots included in blog posts. Most authors just copy from other sources or post simple icons and illustrations. As a professional photographer, you have to go one step further and include those great shots right into your blog posts”, says Estelle Liotard, a writer at TrustMyPaper.

It’s getting harder to differentiate yourself based on high-quality content alone, mostly due to two reasons:

  1. the competition is fierce and high quality is now a given
  2. most users skim through and just scan the major points of the text


We already talked about tackling the first issue with differentiation through high-quality, professional photos. As for the second issue, even if your content finds its way to users who just skim through content, they will surely be impressed by the images. This is how you can capture even those readers who are approaching your content with low focus. 

Work With Some of the Best

Many content creators, marketers and bloggers who don’t have experience in working with photographers don’t know where to start. If you’re not an expert in photography, how can you be sure that you’ll hire the right person?

With services like Splento, you can hire professional photographers for your business blog storytelling. Hire them on demand depending on the needs of your blog and website.

A good photographer has the talent of producing exactly what you’re looking for, even if you give them little input. Just outline some of the basic features and themes that you want to be featured in your business blog shots and let professionals do their magic.

Complement Your Texts

Professional shots are a great resource to make your blogs achieve next-level quality. Even if you’re not a pro in writing, you can hire someone to do it for you while you work on your photography. Here are some online services that you can use to find writers:


When you constantly published awesome texts coupled with professional shots, the quality of the blog will speak volumes about the professionalism and credibility of your business. It’s just like everything else on your website: like it or not, potential clients and partners form stereotypes about your business according to the images you use and the words you choose. 

Make it your priority to work these stereotypes into your favour. When people see professional shots on a website, they see that the business is not afraid to invest, go the extra mile and do an exceptional job. 

Sell Your Products or Services All Over the World

Images are a universal language. When you want to communicate a message, be it promotional or something with a different goal and function, the visual coupled with strong wording will have the biggest impact. 

When you’re localizing your business website to other languages, the verbal part can get very tricky. Not only do you need to make a full translation of the entire site and all the posts, but it has to be in line with the target culture. This implies even wider changes than pure linguistics.

This is where professional shots will help you a lot. Try reducing the amount of text on your business website and explain/illustrate everything you can with a professional shot. This will cross over into target languages more smoothly and effectively.


Just like in other environments, professional shots are a powerful tool to influence, impress, educate or promote, and business blogs are no exception. Adding impressive images and videos to your business blog will deepen your story, increase engagement and boost your brand recognition.



Dorian Martin is an experienced blogger and writer working at some of the best essays websites. Through his work on writing service websites GrabMyEssay and Studicus, he expanded his academic knowledge and research skills. Currently, he’s working on bringing the academic world closer to the digital age through fun, well-research web articles. 

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