
Find the best conference photographer in London Types of photographers you should avoid


Finding a great conference photographer in London is not difficult, but there are so many out there that it can be puzzling to know how to make sure you are hiring the best of the best in the conference photography world. Additionally, we know that arranging a conference can be a hectic job, so we are here to offer you a little guidance in finding the best conference photographer in London – so that now you have one less thing to worry about!

This blog will outline common conference photographers’ mistakes that you can be on the lookout for, so that you only engage with the best London conference photographers. 

    1. Bad lighting 
    2. Poor focus in the images
    3. Capturing bad posing and expressionless guests
    4. Poor manners


Conference photographer


Conference photographers’ mistakes 

1. Bad lighting 

Conferences are often quite low-light settings due to their indoor nature, so it is of utmost importance that your conference photographer knows how to take good photographs in these lighting conditions. Although lighting can be adjusted in the editing process on many occasions, it is not guaranteed, and you do not want the most important parts of your conference left uncaptured because the lighting of the image is too low! And retouching adjustments still need enough data captured in the original image. Photo editors are highly skilled, but they are not miracle workers!

2. Poor focus in the images

It really does make little difference if your conference photographer is the best photo editor in the world if they did not opt for the right camera settings in the first place. The last thing you want is to have booked a professional conference photographer and then end up with almost unusable images. Therefore, it is essential that your conference photographer knows how to set their camera up suitably so that the subjects of their photos, and attendees of your conference, are in focus and the images you receive are of great quality.

3. Capturing bad posing and expressionless guests

You are hiring a conference photographer in order to capture the highs of your conferences and use the images to present you and your company in a positive light. Therefore, the last thing you want to do is find out you have hired a conference photographer who only takes photos of guests when they are currently expressionless. Another red flag for a conference photographer is when they capture attendees in a posed photo setting, but do not instruct them on how they would like them to position themselves, or leave them sitting in a way that looks clumsy or awkward. 


Conference photographer London


4. Poor manners 

This one should be pretty obvious and applies to more than just hiring a professional conference photographer. You should get a pretty good first impression from a conference photographer and the attitude that they have towards their work, right from your very first interaction with them. If they respond slowly to your inquiries, or in an impolite manner, it does not give the right impression about their attitude. It’s a big sign that they are going to adopt a similar approach when taking photos for your big upcoming conference, and it may well be better to avoid them altogether.

We hope that these tips on common photographer mistakes show you how to hire the best photographers, specifically a great conference photographer in London. 

If you are on the lookout for a reliable professional conference photographer in London then consider booking a Splento conference photographer

Splento conference photographers have the knowledge and experience to capture excellent images of your attendees interacting, as well as great images of the crowds in attendance at your conference. Better still, this is all at an affordable flat fee of £99 per hour (including retouching and delivery within 24 hours). 

Contact us today to find out more about our conference photographers!

Need an expert photographer near me for your next occasion? Discover and book the best local photographers through Splento today!