
eCommerce product photography overview A collection of articles and great guides for perfect product photos


Here at Splento, we love to help, so we have created a collection of articles designed to help you make the most out of your eCommerce shop platform with amazing product photography.

2022 has quickly underlined the importance of online shopping and its popularity has increased exponentially over the first six months of the year.

Even those who had resisted using the internet up until now have come to depend on it for everything from hobby supplies to garden appliances to household basics.

With increased demand has come increased competition of course – which means that now more than ever, you need your eCommerce store to stand head and shoulders above your competition and get noticed.

This post includes several groups of articles and covers the following:

  • Product photography basics
  • Taking product photographs
  • eCommerce platform guidelines

Your eCommerce customers choose what to buy based on what they see – far more than when shopping in bricks and mortar buildings. The visual media is all they have, to inspect the products that you offer for sale.

If you want to read about why photographs are so vital to your success, you can learn more about why product images are so important in eCommerce.

Give yourself an online edge, through the best product photography, perhaps by using 360° images and even product video.

So read on for our eCommerce product photography overview, in which you will find links to several different articles and other related information.

Pens - eCommerce overview

Product photography basics series

This is a short collection of 3 articles covering the basics of product photography, from the planning stage, through photographing the items and ending with post-processing. There is some great info in here, whether you are staging the photoshoot yourself or have hired a professional photographer.

  1. How to plan and prepare for your product photoshoot
  2. Finding a great product photographer
  3. Options for editing product photographs


Photographer photographing food - eCommerce overview

Taking product photographs

If you are taking your own product photographs, then as well as the basics, make sure that you also take time to read the ultimate guide to product photography, an invaluable guide which explains important technique and equipment set up in detail.

Additionally, if you are considering a photoshoot outdoors, or if you are marketing natural or health products, check our advice for eCommerce outdoor product photography.

For some inspiration on the types of photos and styles to consider, then there are two articles that may be of some interest: 6 different styles of product photography and how to present your product for sale on your eCommerce platform.


Bottle of wine - eCommerce overview

eCommerce platform guidelines

Unless you have your own custom website for your online store, the chances are that you are using a retail platform to host your eCommerce shop.

Each platform has its own set of rules for what you can or cannot show, how the images must look and minimum/maximum requirements for image dimensions and file size.

They are all different from each other and yet if you do not comply then you can land yourself in difficulty with the platform itself – or you may find that your product photos simply do not upload.

To clear up the confusion, we have put together a collection of requirements for the most common eCommerce platforms. Simply click below on the platform you are using to host your store and check the photo requirements before you start planning your shoot.

If your eCommerce platform of choice is not listed, then get it touch and we can add it.

Amazon  Shopify  Ecwid  eBay  Facebook


iphones on a table - eCommerce overview

We hope you find this helpful

We really do.

If there is anything that you want further details on, do have a search around our blog pages, as there are plenty of other items discussing both eCommerce, marketing and product photography.

If you are currently in need of product photography services, then get in touch today.

Splento has been able to continue with eCommerce photography throughout the lockdown period, by taking careful precautions and the utmost consideration of all involved. There is a short video below which explains how to photoshoot during the lockdown.

If you wish, have a browse now through the Splento’s portfolio pages for some amazing examples of product photography.

Splento offers a complete product photography service, including all professional editing/retouching and delivery of your finished photographs within a guaranteed 24 hours.


Contact Splento if you are in need of:

Event Photography and Videography

Professional Headshots

eCommerce Photography and Videography

Transform your moments into art with a photographer near me.