
5 Things You Must Know Before Your Corporate Photo Session You want the best results from your corporate photoshoot – here’s how


You want the best results from your corporate photoshoot – here’s how.

1. Keep your photographer informed.

If you are staging a corporate event and you have an agenda, then share your schedule with your photographer!  Even if it’s a relaxed affair with only one highlight (such as a speech), make sure that they know what’s going on!

For a formal event, it is even more important. Ensure that your photographer knows who’s who – introduce them to senior management and anyone else that is relevant to the photographs you especially want.  Your photographer will be busy during the whole time and it pays to make sure they don’t miss anyone you consider of key importance.

If you don’t tell them, they won’t know.

2. Group and Individual Portraits

Event or not, you will probably want portraits taken of staff or other personnel.  The settings will be different depending on whether you want large group shots, small groups, or individuals.

Once you have discussed with your photographer what you want to achieve, they may well want time to scout for a couple of different areas to shoot the photos – unusual backgrounds, interesting architecture, etc.

Individual portraits, headshots and small groups can be handled indoors and will need a mobile studio set up for good results (make sure now that this has been booked).  You may have a sign, wall or backdrop you want to use, so talk to your photographer as not all backgrounds work well in a photo, plus they will also need to assess lighting, space and other issues.

Large group shots usually work better outdoors, (indoors they can look cramped) but it depends on what locations are available.  Again, the key is communication with your photographer.

Don’t forget that if you have a lot of people to be photographed, in whatever setting, your photographer will need help organising this.  Appoint someone to arrange groups who is capable of getting the right people to the right place when needed.

3. Staging action.

Having photos of staff going about their normal day can be great PR in any form of online or printed publication. The best images will not be just snapped as your photographer wanders about observing; while the odd candid shot can work well, quality usually comes from careful planning.  So whether you want photos of a board meeting or a colleague at a workbench, you will get a better result if it’s staged.

Explain what you want, then allow your photographer to direct as they know what works and what doesn’t through the camera lens.

And allow them the time.  An ‘action’ photo of a meeting will take more than a quick couple of shots of people sitting at a table.

4. Photograph Settings before they are Populated.

If you are having an event for which there are particular settings, get them photographed before they are full of people.

So if you hosting a launch or a corporate birthday with a celebration cake – make sure your photographer gets the shot of it before its cut!  If you are hosting a dinner, photograph the dining area before it is full of people.  Table settings, place cards, a table full of champagne glasses waiting to be served – these images can all tell a part of your story.

If you have a live event, such as a keynote speaker you want to be photographed, show your photographer the stage area before it all starts, so they can work out a shooting plan that will get the best photos without interrupting proceedings later on.

5. Corporate Context.

Does your business have a history?  Unless you’re a brand-new start-up, chances are that you have some history that could be worked into some photographs.

If your company has been working out of the same premises for the last century, then you are almost certain to have some ‘historic’ items that would work really well as a prop – the chairman examining the original company ledger perhaps, or sitting at the bench where your first widget was made.

Take time to consider any items or locations that could be used to make some of the photos a little more creative and a little more special to your company.
As with almost any photoshoot, the real key to success on the day is communication with your photographer.  The more understanding they have of what you want to achieve, the better they can work to get the best results.

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