
10 Types of Video Content to Master in 2019


2019 – the year of video! With a whopping 93% of businesses claiming to have gained customers using video on social media, this not-so-new content kid on the block is impossible to ignore. You can use video content to raise awareness of you and your brand, to engage with your audience and to educate them. Check out these ten types of video content to master this year:

1. Interviews
These are a great way to demonstrate your values and affiliate yourself with someone who interests or inspires you. Interview someone who your audience would be interested in hearing from – a thought leader in your industry, for example. As a bonus, you can re-purpose your interview content for any number of things including blog posts and social media snippets.

Here’s an interview Splento filmed between our very own Pro Photographers, Bogdan Maran and Mark Woodward:

2. Webinars
Is there something you could teach your audience? Showcase your expertise and promote better engagement with a high in value, low in cost webinar. If you get it right, your webinar will be a great lead magnet. The content needs to be useful and genuine, so think panel discussions and detailed ‘how to’ videos rather than broad or sales-based.

3. Product Reviews
Whilst reviewing your own product can come across a little biased, providing your customers with credible product reviews is still possible. Consider providing influencers with a sample, trial or freebie and asking them to provide their thoughts in a video which you can use for product promotion. Choose your influencers carefully though – they should be relevant to your brand, credible and engage an audience who would be interested in your product.

4. Animation
Animated videos should be one of your top marketing endeavours! They provide a powerful, fun and engaging way to tell your story, or the story of your product, or even an explainer video to show you work.

Check out Splento’s very own animated explainer video here:

5. Behind the Scenes
People buy from people. Give your audience an exclusive insight into what happens behind the scenes, like a project or process you’d like them to see. You don’t have to be ultra-polished for these types of video, incorporating raw footage which makes them a little more cost effective to produce.

6. Vlogs / Video Blogs
Perhaps you don’t fancy writing but wouldn’t mind being in front of the camera. Vlogs are a great way to engage with your audience on a much more intimate level, since it’s typically one person in front of the camera discussing their thoughts about a personal experience or a particular subject. This way, vlogs give the audience a sense of the real you, rather than a scripted professional corporate-feel video.

7. Live Streaming
Whether it’s a team member giving a presentation, a workout routine or even a product launch, live streaming gives you direct access to engage with your audience…and for them to engage with you! Why not consider doing a live Q&A with your audience or streaming your next big event?
You can read all about how Splento help with live events here.

8. Company Culture
Back in the day, these types of videos typically included CEOs awkwardly explaining what the company does. Thankfully, they’ve evolved to truly showcase stories and personalities in a way that, done correctly, promotes your company culture and could even help you to recruit new team members.

9. Testimonials
Your customers are the best people to tell others how great your service or product is. Gain credibility by providing real testimonials with actual customers (not an actor from Fiverr!) and ask them to detail on video why they bought from you and how it’s benefited them. Consider offering a discount or freebie in return too.

10. On-boarding Videos
We’ve all experience them – the ‘getting started’ videos when you buy some new software. Well, they’re also known as ‘on-boarding’ videos and there are plenty of ways you can use them. Just last year, 72% of people surveyed said they prefer using video to learn about a product or service but it’s not just customers who need onboarding help – why not use it to help promote your business culture to new employees. Here’s a great employee onboarding example from our friends over at Canva:

So there you have it…ten types of video that can help you to achieve a variety of goals! And if you need a videographer for a helping hand, we’ve got you covered for all your filming, editing and even drone footage needs!

Contact Splento if you are in need of:

Event Photography and Videography

Professional Headshots

eCommerce Photography and Videography