
The ultimate promotion plan for your video production services Effective ways to market video production


Launching your own video production company is hard work. Right from creating a strong portfolio to acquiring clientele, you’re in for a bumpy ride. To make it happen, you’ve got to know how to market yourself. 

There are plenty of ways to establish the presence of your video production services. Here’s our top pick of ways to generate leads and promote your company.

Grow your website

A website is a must for a video production service as it is the first point of contact with most clients – and you know what they say about first impressions. If you’ve got an impressive website up and running, which has eye-catching aesthetics, clients will be lining up to book your services.

In the creative industry, websites are a great judge of the company’s creative vision. So a well-designed website can give clients a feel of what your general style looks like. Complete your website with the full monty – portfolio, contact information, client testimonials and an FAQ section, to improve your client’s journey.  


Build an impressive portfolio

There’s no better way of getting a client on board than showcasing the work you can achieve. Clients will judge you by what they see, so instead of writing down your achievements, build a solid portfolio of work. 

Make sure to emphasise your style in the portfolio as this is what sets your work apart. You can create a gallery of videos on your website and maybe post a short video or two on social media to give people a taste.

Create a number of showreels to highlight your skills and creativity, and keep adding more as your library of work grows. Create a YouTube channel (just one of many social media options) and apply SEO techniques to that as well (see below). YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine, after Google.

Leverage social media

The most underestimated marketing tool that connects billions worldwide is social media. If you’re not using it to boost your video production services, then you are losing business. 

Social media provides extended reach and makes your production services discoverable to a large population who didn’t even know they needed you. Using the paid ad tools available makes your business especially prominent online. Don’t forget to link your website on all your social media pages. 


Improve SEO ranking

How’s your ranking on search engines? SEO algorithms look for valuable combinations of content that can answer search queries. But video production websites are often very visual and less textual. To improve your SEO ranking start putting up videos – but don’t ignore your text content. 

Ensure you follow SEO guidelines and optimise your content to include keywords in the title, description and tags. 


Video production services marketing


Don’t underestimate Word of Mouth 

What’s the greatest tool in a marketer’s arsenal? Trust. Trust and credibility draw in clients for video production services but the only way to generate this trustworthiness is through word-of-mouth. 

If a satisfied client has great things to say about your video production services, get it on film and put it up on your website. You can also start a referral reward system to get people talking about your production services. 


Promoting your video production services can be easier if you put the available technologies to good use. Using our promotional tips, you can take your business to the next level and have leads showing up one after the other. 

If you’re not looking to actively promote your video production services, the world won’t even know you exist. Promotion is the only thing standing between you and a thousand other video production companies. So if you don’t put effort into it wholeheartedly, your business will inevitably fall behind.


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