
How to sell more properties with video The complete guide to property video


Want to know how to sell more properties with video? Then you have found the perfect place.


Splento– professional videographers in London and all around the world – have just produced their Complete Guide to Property Video to help you do just that, and to make more sales.


If you are new to video this is a great place to start.  If you are already using a video strategy in your business, then this will add knowledge and ideas to your existing sales generator.


Property is big business. Video makes business big.

Put the two together and you have an unbeatable combination.

The following are a few brief tasters from the guide to give you a flavour of what it includes. Even these will help you sell more properties with video.

For a limited time, the complete guide to property video can be downloaded for free using the link at the end of this article.


Kitchen scene

Why video is an essential property sales tool

Real estate sells. But it always sells better with video.

Video has become such an adaptive tool that it lends itself to almost any market and any situation. Used well, it perfectly blends traditional home and property viewing – and with new technologies emerging (more of that later), its use in real estate sales is only going to increase.

There is no getting away from the fact that people love video!

In 2018, a massive 37% of home buyers used online video sites when searching for a home in the USA. This means that a huge number of buyers only viewed a property after first seeing it on video.

And the dependence on video as a property sales tool has only grown since.

During 2020, most countries worldwide have experienced a lockdown of some nature, and successful real estate agencies have found themselves relying more than ever on video to attract interest in a property.

And as customers have adapted to an online ‘virtual lifestyle’ they have become far more accepting of virtual walkthroughs of property to narrow their options – only wanting to physically visit a minimum number of finalists in the competition to get their attention.

If you do not currently offer video as an option to your vendors, then now is the time to start doing so. To do otherwise means losing business in 2021, as there are plenty of others who already are.


Types of real estate video

The best property videos are made using a combination of style and techniques and, most importantly, outstanding editing.

In the complete guide to property video, we take you through 9 different styles that can be employed to maximise the impact of your video. 

For now, we will highlight just 2 of them.


The 30-second summary – a must for every property

A short, 30-second summary shot really is a must for every property that you list online or on social media.

This is the ideal attention-grabber for your website listings page alongside your photos, floorplans, and location map (which everyone else is doing as well).

Want to stand out from the competition and sell more properties, faster?

Put up a 30-second summary video for every property you hope to sell. You may even want to consider including it in your standard vendor deal, rather than as an optional extra.

What is more – if you have had a full video filmed for a location, it is so simple, and cost-saving, to have the footage edited down into a 30-second summary as a promotional clip.

They not only look amazing and increase attention on your website, but they are also the ideal length to use for your various social media campaigns (you do use social media, yes?).

Drone flyover

Not always possible (depending on local bylaws and possible other restrictions) a drone flyover, usually as a part of a larger video, is a great way to create an impressive overview of a property and the surrounding area.

Certainly larger properties always benefit from such tech additions, as drones present the best way to show off large gardens and grounds, but even an aerial flyover of a surrounding property all adds to the story that you are trying to tell.

The 30-second summary shows how drone footage can truly enhance an already impressive piece of film. See if you can spot the cuts that were captured by a drone when you watch it.



To get your free guide ‘How to sell more properties with video’ – click the link and get instant access to the download.


Free download is available now.


Other types of video to help you sell more properties

Aside from property videos, there are many more types of video that will help you sell more properties!

Real estate agents need to think outside the box and get creative.

The downloadable guide lists 8 different ideas for promotional videos that you could be making today. Each one of them is a potential goldmine for your business.

Here’s just one of those ideas to get you started.


Instructional videos

Think of these as a visual presentation of a series of FAQs. They should be short 2- or 3-minute videos presented on your website with the purpose to answer the most common questions that you find yourself being asked time after time.

Not only will this save you time – and money – in the future, but it will also attract more clients to your website and/or YouTube channel and therefore give you more sales.

You do use YouTube, right? No problem if not – but do see below!

Examples of topics that you could cover include ‘how to prepare your home for video and photographing’, for example, or ’10 things to do on the day of a viewing’.

Supreme customer service is expected by all, and those that offer it, in a cost-effective, time-saving delivery such as video, gain more business and a larger customer base as a result.

Videos like this will attract new business and lead to more sales.

What else is included in the download?

Well – in addition to loads more information and all 17 video types that you should be shooting (that’s 17 great ways to increase your business and sell more properties) – we also discuss what to do with these amazing new videos to maximise their impact and work harder for you.

Videos are great – but they need to produce results. We look at why you should be using YouTube (as well as your website), as well as other online presence and finish up with a view on the cost of doing all this yourself vs the cost of hiring someone else to do it for you.



To get your free guide ‘How to sell more properties with video’ – click the link and get instant access to the download.


Don’t put it off – free download is available now.





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