
How To Look Great on the Video Call Top tips for professional video communications


Working and communicating remotely is something that we all need to be doing these days.

Whether for work or for important family time, video communications (video chat) is suddenly a vital part of our working and social life.

Here are a few tips for better video chat that we hope you will find helpful as we continue to incorporate this technology increasingly into our everyday lives.


Getting the lighting right is probably the single most important aspect to consider when using any of the available video chat systems

Let the sunshine in!

The first rule – do not sit with your back to a window! It makes your face impossible to see.

The second rule – make sure you do have some light aiming towards you, whether natural daylight or not.

Sit facing the window during the day. Or, if you’re sitting in a far corner of your room, shielded from the world by screens, we recommend an external LED light to add a spark.

For example, this lamp here is portable, has a clamp, and runs on a rechargeable battery that recharges via USB – perfect for using with a laptop!

Use any flat USB LED panel light for a godly glow, or a ring-light for a glamorous Hollywood look!

Whatever your light source, have it directed at your face – with no side or backlighting – as these will cast unpleasant shadows.


Once you have your lighting sorted, then take a moment to check the rest of your appearance. If it’s for a work meeting, at least make an effort to look like you have made an effort. No one wants to see you turn up in your pyjamas!

Wear plain coloured clothing – pastels work best – and avoid jazzy patterns. These can distract the other person and even can create unwanted visual effects.

Try and position yourself against a plain background – the simpler the better as clutter is also a distraction for everyone else.

Position your camera at eye level so that you are looking directly at it when you are speaking. Set your laptop on a pile of books if you need to – having the appearance of eye-to-eye contact makes video chats appear far more natural.

Don’t sit too close to the camera – webcams usually have a wide-angle lens, so the closer you sit, the more your face will appear distorted. However, also bear in mind that if you move too far away, your mic won’t pick up your speech so well (see below).

And avoid having the camera below your face at all costs – the resulting distortion is very unflattering, and no one wants to look up your nose.

If you anticipate being in a home-working situation for some time, consider investing in a better-quality camera. The standard one on your laptop or tablet usually will only have quite a basic resolution. 

Depending on budget, look for a 1080 or full 4k camera to get a pin-sharp image.


Most laptops have a very weak microphone which makes the sound usually flat and boomy. The sound bounces off walls and external sounds (and even echoes) creep in. 

A good mic can help make your meeting, interview or podcast sound more professional. You can get away with poor visuals in an interview, but the sound must be good. 

Give some thought to your speech – speak clearly and a little slower than you would in a normal conversation, remembering that everyone else may be contending with background noise or poor-quality speakers.

Imagine how pleasant it is to listen to a well-recorded audiobook – the velvet smooth voice of the author takes you to another dimension. Want that? Then get a mic. 

A stand-alone microphone also means that you can move further away from the webcam, so you don’t get the visual distortion we mentioned above.

Check here for a respected brand – Blue Microphones. 

Or a more expensive version – this is another to consider.

This one would make a great present for anyone planning to record podcasts.

And remember to minimise all other distractions – be by yourself in the room and shut the door to keep out noise pollution from the rest of the property.

Improve your Wi-Fi signal

Having great broadband speed doesn’t help if your wireless connection to your router isn’t up to the job.

If you have access to a physical cable to connect to your network router, then this is always the best option.

If you don’t, have a look at extending the range and power of your Wi-Fi, by trying the following:

The first thing to consider is moving your router – despite the graphics shown on most router instructions, it transmits signals in all directions, including downwards. Ideally, your Wi-Fi router should be central to your property and on a shelf at mid-room height and out in the open.

Also avoid placing it near thick walls, windows, large metal objects (mirrors, kitchen appliances, TV, etc). Also, avoid it being near a fish tank.

If this doesn’t do the trick, then the next step is to look at improving either the reception of your device or the range of your network.

Here’s a great receiver that helps boost your laptop Wi-Fi speed.

To increase the range of your Wi-Fi generally around your home, then take a look at using an extender, such as this one.


Of course, there are plenty of alternatives to all the above equipment, to meet any budget; these links are for illustration and are ones that at least one of us has tested.

Don’t forget – all the above points that we have addressed can be improved a little just using the equipment you already have. Five minutes of thought and preparation, and using some of these suggestions, will make a great difference to your next video chat and to the experience of everyone involved.

A final word on preparation – if it is a formal meeting, then ask others not to interrupt you during your chat. Aside from being distracting, it could potentially be embarrassing. We all remember this classic BBC interview!

If you try some of these tips and find they work for you, do make sure to share this with others you know, and help make their online experience just a little bit better as well.

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