
Corporate event videography: Launching your event 3 creative ideas for announcing your next event promotion


This is the first of three articles describing how corporate event videography can play a major part in the success of your event.

These articles cover:

  1. Launching your event with video
  2. Using video at your event
  3. Post-event video roles


Whilst your next event may seem like a lifetime away, proper planning (as they say) prevents poor performance.

The time for planning is now – because the time for action will come soon enough.

Today, video runs the internet and you cannot afford to ignore that fact.

So here are some creative ideas for using video to launch your next corporate event.

Launching your corporate event with video

A successful launch is essential to any corporate event, whether it is an internal company one or a huge public occasion with thousands attending.

The only difference between them should be the audience the launch is broadcast to; the message should be the same. An internal or private event should create just as much attention and excitement as a public one.

Get the launch right and the hype and attendance will follow.

Social media is now a key platform for event launching – and in the social world, video is king.

An ideal social media video (for Facebook, Instagram and many others) should be a maximum of 30 seconds long, deliver a single message and captivate. You are after engagement, so at the end, there should be a call to action – such as a signup or a click for further information (of course, adapted if the event is compulsory attendance for work colleagues, but still use the same mechanisms to advertise it and drive enthusiasm).

Facebook even recommends videos of 15 seconds or less, designed to pack a punch, deliver your message and leave the viewer wanting to know more.

Aside from social media, your other great delivery tool for video is email. Yes – email.

We’re not recommending that the video itself is embedded into the email – that carries too many overheads – but just by using the word ‘video’ in your email subject line can increase opening rates by 19% and click-through by 65%.

Instead of the video, place an image thumbnail (complete with ‘Play’ button) into your email and the reader will click through this link, which leads them to your video.

You can follow this link to read more about visual email marketing best practices.

So what types of video can you create for your corporate event launch?

Here are a few suggestions – if you have the time (which you will with proper planning) you can run all these campaigns to maximise exposure and create the tension and hype that you are driving for to get the most from your event launch

1. Brand awareness

This video is designed to bring the viewers attention to you as a company. It can explain a lot or (as it often works better) explain very little, but showcases your brand, styling, company name or logo. Yes, even for a corporate event for employees; it’s about impact and creating energy and enthusiasm.

You don’t need a response at this point – just to raise your target market’s level of consciousness that you are around. Its aim is to be recalled as familiar when you move onto the next stage.

Man holding table tennis balls - Corporate Event Video

For social media, 15 seconds of targeted video popping up cross-platform for even a relatively short campaign can be enough if it is widespread and if the video is powerful and memorable.

These videos directly impact your brand lift; the video is not there to deliver a message as to be an experience; it should be emotive, not factual.

2. Engagement

Engagement videos are designed to do exactly that – engage your audience.

If you are not at the launch phase yet (see below) then these can offer a little information but be used as a teaser campaign – think big box office movie teasers that show you just enough to generate excitement but not enough to reveal the story (but they are a clear statement that something is about to happen).

Unlike brand awareness, the aim of the engagement video, however, is to get a response from the viewer. This may be a click-through to a website, an email address given for a request for further information or (as we are seeing increasingly on Facebook video now) a simple question with two optional answers (ie. would like to see more); the viewer simply clicks their preferred answer and (if yes) you have a target for your next video ad.

Bags on chairs at an event - Corporate Event Video

This could be video from previous events or even preparation footage from the current one (backstage glimpses) – whatever suits.

Engagement videos reinforce brand awareness and also serve as the first step for consumer commitment – getting that first confirmation of interest, which is vital for any successful campaign.

3. Event launch / invitation

By the time you get to your event launch – if you have done the groundwork above – you will already have a large target market to advertise the invitation to.

Interest has already been generated, this is the third video you are sending out and you will be a lot further down the road to a commitment from your audience than if you’d skipped straight to this point (or not used video at all).

Use the launch video to showcase your speaker, brand, product launch or whatever your event is about.

Entrance to an event - Corporate Event Video

Building on the previous videos, it should heighten the anticipation, have a detailed invitation (subscribe/book/register) and a strong call to action (do it now/advance booking discount/confirm attendance) – fill in the details as appropriate.

Interest should be piqued, and excitement generated.

A successful launch video, alongside your more traditional announcements and advertising, is a powerful, winning combination.

The next stage

Planned properly and with attention to detail, video can be the single most powerful tool for promoting and launching your corporate event successfully.

Yet a well-structured campaign doesn’t need to blow the budget. Careful planning means that all three of the videos discussed above can be filmed at one time, and sequences cut and edited to create as much final footage as you need.

Splento has experienced videographers wherever you are – professionals around the world – and prices start from just £149 per hour.

You can view both their conference video and event video portfolios.

Alternatively, continue to the next article – Using video at your event, or call Splento today to discuss your corporate video requirements.

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