
Corporate event videography: After your event


This is the last of three articles describing how corporate event videography can play a major part in the success of your event.

These articles cover:

  1. Launching your event with video
  2. Using video at your event
  3. Post-event video roles

Once your event itself is over, it is time to debrief, consolidate and then capitalise on the momentum you have just created. There is still plenty to do before wrapping up this event – and then start preparing for the next!

If you’ve done it right, you now have a huge amount of video footage to use – to retouch, reorganise and re-edit.

Here are some ideas to help leverage the maximum advantage you can from it all, once your corporate event is over.

1. Follow-up interviews

While everything is still fresh in their minds, film some follow-up interviews with attendees. Ask what they got out of it, what they enjoyed most, what they learned (either about your business, your product or even themselves).

It’s best to do this twice. First of all, at the event – while attendees are still buzzing and the atmosphere is still there – interviews with the background noise, the hype and excitement in the air.

Secondly, also film some follow-up interviews a few weeks or months later – you will get a totally different style of film. Calm and considered, you can dig deeper into the impact the event had on some of the attendees in the long term; how it affected their work/career/home life.

Edited professionally, these interviews can be contrasted against one another and show a continuity of the ‘story after the event’.

Small group discussion - Corporate Videography

2. Highlights Showreel

The showreel is the essential post-event video. It is an edit of the most impacting moments of the whole occasion – clips, quotes, vox pops, speaker highlights and has two key uses.

First, it is great for circulating on all your social media platforms – Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and the others – to remind attendees of what a great time it was and to help keep the event momentum going.

Second – it is your advert footage for your next event. The excitement, energy and drive from this event is exactly what is going to sell your next one, both to the current attendees and to new ones.

Roundtable discussion - Corporate Videography

3. Next event early sign-up

If you are marketing your next event to the public, then your showreel needs to be out in the public domain as soon as this one is over.

Show them what they missed and use this footage to get them to commit to the next event! If you have an ‘early bird discount’ or other incentives for advance commitment to your next event, this is how you market it.

Your greatest asset is the energy and enthusiasm from your last event – and that is what your highlights showreel is all about.

So get it out there and start signing up!

Woman with hand raised - large audience - Corporate Videography

4. Refresh your event page

Once your event is over, it’s not the time to take down the event webpage; it’s time to update it.

Aside from social media, the event page is where you should be showcasing your best video footage from it. The page will need a complete overhaul, and your video should be central to it all.

Large hall - Conference Videography

5. Email and other platform communications

You will have the email address of every attendee; keep in touch with them! Send them links to all the edited videos you publish on your website and on social media platforms.

Ask them for feedback and, as you get it, incorporate this into your event page as well.

If you can utilise follow-up video (see above) after the event, don’t forget to send those too.

All these resources are great reasons to keep in touch and keep the dialogue going with everyone who was at your event.

They are all chances to build a better relationship with them, develop the conversation, build the community feel among attendees and grow interest in your next event. And done successfully, that will generate a most amazing word-of-mouth marketing machine for your next one.

Large conference - Corporate Videography

The final stage

We hope by now that you have had just a small glimpse of the power of videography and the difference it can make to your next corporate event.

If you need us, or just want to talk, Splento has experienced videographers wherever you are – professionals all around the world – and prices start from just £149 per hour.

You can view both their conference video  and event video portfolios, or alternatively,

Call Splento today to discuss your corporate video requirements.


Need high-quality photos for your next event? Find the best photographer near me and book today through Splento!

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