
5 video marketing trends of the future


Throughout 2020 there have been approximately one million minutes of video content crossing the internet per second – and 82% of all consumer web traffic has been via video. Throughout this blog, we will explore 5 video marketing trends of the future to make sure your business doesn’t get left behind. 


Shoppable & immersive ads

Shoppable ads are videos which can feature links to your products within the video (clickable video).

This technique is already popular using photographs on various forms of social media but soon we will see the switch to providing links throughout videos. 

Using shoppable ads could be a fantastic way to market many products at once. As the video plays, you would be able to hover over a product you like the look of and suddenly it’s in your shopping cart. 

Immersive Ads will take this concept one step further. With the growing capability of VR (Virtual Reality), companies are testing ways to allow customers to be able to see what they would look like if they bought their product. 

Whether it’s trying on a dress, picturing yourself in your dream kitchen or skydiving over the Caribbean, immersive ads could make it possible. Immersive, shoppable ads are thought to be even more prominent post lockdown due to many customers doing all their shopping online to limit having to physically enter a shop.

Authentic video marketing

Times have changed since cheesy TV adverts were the best way to market products. People want more content than ever and especially to see a ‘behind the scenes’ view of the company they are buying from. 

Videographers are starting to specialise with ‘in the moment’ videography which provides customers with authentic clips of the business. 

If you’re a business owner you might want to consider hiring a professional videographer to take these candid shots as it could be your best marketing move yet. Splento could deliver this service back to you in less than 48 hours.


Instagram TV (IGTV)

With Instagram hitting 1 billion daily users in mid-2018, their newest long-form video feature, IGTV, has also exploded in popularity. Within a year IGTV went from 250 million users to 400 million in 2018 – and has been growing ever since. 

Companies are beginning to use this feature to create longer marketing videography productions for their products and is something you should at least be considering also. 

SEO friendly videography

August 2018 marked the time when Google added the feature of auto-playing videos in their search results. This allowed searchers to have a preview of a related video to whatever it is that they searched. 

Consequently, the idea of videography SEO was born, i.e. allowing your video content to be search engine optimised so it appears at the top of Google’s suggestions. To learn more about how to make SEO friendly videos read 5 SEO principles your video needs.

Mute friendly videos

To increase engagement, most social media platforms now have the ‘autoplay’ feature, which automatically plays videos without any sound.

This was first used by Facebook to increase the number of views videos received on their platform where the viewers would, if interested, turn on the sound. However, now it has manifested into many people keeping the video running with zero sound whilst they can concentrate on the rest of their news feed. 

Therefore there is now a surging demand for mute friendly video design to fill this ever-growing trend.


With video marketing now a must for all businesses, it is important to stay ahead of the trends. Explore the possibilities of video marketing with these 5 trends to keep your business at the forefront.


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Event Photography and Videography

Professional Headshots

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