
5 SEO principles your videos need


The world of SEO can be a confusing beast and you’ve probably just got your head around how to use SEO for your website or landing pages. Now with videography being a must for your business’ marketing strategy, it’s time to learn how to make your videos SEO-ready by using these 5 principles. 

1. Shareable content + collaboration = winning formula

For your videos to own the first page of Google they need to be shared. 

The first way to achieve this is by creating shareable content. This means producing relevant, informative content that viewers will want to share with their friends, family and colleagues. 

Collaborating with others is also an easy way to achieve this. By negotiating with other business’/YouTube channels you can get shoutouts or links to your video in their content. Of course, however, you will have to return the favour, so make sure you are comfortable sharing whatever your collaborator’s content is. 

When your video is shared it not only exposes you to a larger audience but Google will rank you higher due to link building. Google will recognise that you are gaining traffic from multiple sources and because of that Google will rank you higher. 

2. Make your videos mobile friendly

With mobile viewing recently surpassing desktop viewing, it has never been more important that your content looks good via mobile.

To achieve this, use mobile-friendly platforms. These could be YouTube or Vimeo but many others are also available. Although, Flash is not one of them. Search engines will not recognise your content when using flash.

Mobile Phone

3. Engage with SEO, don’t use clickbait

“Earn £40,000 in 7 minutes with this secret method!!” 

We have all come across these incredibly enticing video thumbnails, only to be horrifically disappointed… or is that just me being foolish? 

Your thumbnail should be engaging, it should leave the viewer wanting to learn more, however, it should not be clickbait. Using clickbait thumbnails leaves the viewer angry that you have wasted their time and will damage your reputation in the long run. 

Both the thumbnail picture and text should pique the viewer’s interest whilst still remaining representative to the content in your video.

4. The more text the better

Hands using a laptop - Guest blogging success

Google is a database of text. Therefore the more text you can attach to your videos the better. However, writing a long video title may not trigger your viewer’s interest. 

The solution could lie in the video caption as well as writing a transcription for your video. Both of these will increase the results that the video matches on Google and therefore ranking higher in the results. 

5. Get it out there

To rank as high as possible on Google, you should not limit your video to just one sharing platform. By using multiple sharing platforms you increase the chances of Google recognising your video and therefore ranking it higher in the results. 

Go one step further and experiment with keywords in your different sharing platforms. Why use one set of keywords for all the platforms? Change the title, thumbnail and description to suit different keywords you have researched to gain even more traction. 


The need for videography in marketing is already apparent. Use the discussed SEO tips for your video to build as much traffic as possible and get the most out of your hard work.


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