
5 steps on adding video to your content strategy


Video can tell stories, show visuals, and much more. When used for promotional and marketing purposes, video can be a powerful media to do those things; and, it can be a great way to connect with your audience and build deeper relationships with them.

Therefore, consider creating an effective content strategy that involves video. Here are 5 steps to implement to get the ball rolling!


Have A Good Strategy

“Search engine optimization is relevant in many things on the Internet, including video platforms like YouTube,” says Francis Douglas, a business blogger. “People not only want to find videos, but they also want to find information in general, even if that sought-after information is in video form. So, when you create video content, you’ll need to make sure that your videos are easy for users to find.”

With that said, here are a few things to remember when creating a good video SEO strategy:

    • Keep titles short and informative, with 60 characters or less. Plan keywords similarly to blog posts.
    • Add keywords to video descriptions, with a link to your website. Keywords should be 70 characters maximum, while explaining what the video is about.
    • Use proper and various tags.
    • Link-building is when a number of links lead to your video, thanks to keyword rankings in search.
    • Create proper and engaging thumbnails that are high-quality.
    • Optimise your videos for mobile viewing.
    • Use a video sitemap to understand how your videos are faring in search engines.

Video content strategy


Don’t Forget Social Proof

Social proof is a great way to get your audience to trust you and see you as credible online. The good news is, there are many ways to use social proof in your video content strategy. Here are some of those ways:

    • Showcasing likes, views, comments, etc.
    • Testimonial videos and case studies
    • Endorsements

Optimise Your Videos

Optimisation is crucial to video content. Optimising your videos allows you to get the most out of getting more conversions.

Here are some ways to do just that:

    • Have a clear call to action that explains your objective and engages viewers. You can add a link (that takes viewers to your landing page) at the end of your video, add share buttons, or simply express your CTA verbally.
    • Determine when is the best time to publish videos so that you can get the most views within the first 48 hours of a video’s lifetime.
    • Offer incentives in your video – discounts, giveaways, etc.
    • Get creative. Whether you make your videos fun and interactive, or informative and unique is entirely up to you.
    • Keep your videos short and sweet. The ultimate goal is to find a good video length that’s right for you. Don’t force yourself to make long videos, if you’re not comfortable doing so.
    • Say “thank you.” When viewers reach the end of the video, they want to remember you for your content and how you’ve treated them. Make it worth their time by saying thank you at the end.

Distribute Your Videos

“Once you create your videos, you can distribute this content in more places than one,” says Shannon Grey, a tech writer. “By distributing your videos in various avenues, you’re growing your chances of your content getting viewed online.”

Here are ways you can distribute your videos:

    • Upload videos to YouTube and/or Vimeo.
    • Upload videos onto your website.
    • Share videos on social media.
    • Embed videos directly in emails.

As you can see here, the possibilities of video distribution are almost endless!


Video content


Analyze Video Performance

Finally, don’t forget to look at the analytics!

As you are a video editor, it’s important to see what kinds of content are working, and what needs to be improved.

Tools like YouTube Analytics (and even Google Analytics) can help you keep track of how your videos are performing. You’ll have access to:

    • Number of views
    • Demographics
    • Traffic sources
    • Total watch time
    • Popular videos, etc.

By looking at these factors, you’ll get a clear idea of how to create better-performing videos.



While it may take time and effort for you to create successful videos, it’s always worth the investment, if you want to have a good video content strategy. By following these 5 steps, you’ll be able to capitalise on your video content, and gain more viewers and followers while you’re at it!

Author Bio

George J. Newton is a writer and editor at Write my coursework. He is also a contributing writer for Next Coursework. As a business development manager, he has overseen many business projects nationwide.


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