
Ready 4 Work – Index A guide to the Splento R4W program blogs


Recommended Resources

Splento’s online library of suggested reading, listening and viewing. This link is the index page from where you can access all the others. Think of each page as a library shelf covering one subject.

And check back regularly as new findings are added. You’ll find recommendations for books, audio, blogs, web pages and films.


R4W Part 1

SEO Principles for the next 20 years

See also:


R4W Part 2

#1: Designing content for your marketing campaign

#2: How to write the best website content

#3: Successfully promote your blog content

#4: How to win with guest blogging


R4W Part 3

An overview of sales outreach

Video Production

R4W Part 4

How to produce a focused, creative video presentation

See also:

This post is one of a series of articles published in support of Splento’s Ready for Work (R4W) programme. This was initially a successful four-week programme run in July 2020.

As of September 2020, R4W v2.0 – a six-month full training and work experience programme – has been created and submitted to the UK DWP for approval to be a part of the UK Government Kickstart Scheme. Further announcements will follow once approval has been granted. For more details, read The ultimate guide to the UK Kickstart Scheme.

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