
Lesson 4: Rain or Shine?


I probably shouldn’t be saying it out loud, but I know very little about technical details of photography and videography.

My lack of technical knowledge doesn’t stop us from delivering the best quality service to thousands of customers around the world on a regular basis, because I have a team of A-Players around me who are amazing at what they do.

Shareholders worry not you must. You need the best ROI on your investment, not the best photographer in the world to run Splento Ltd.

But I’m digressing – back to my Lesson Nr 4.

I took part in a conversation with one of our beloved customers (Kym) and our Photographer Community Manager (Maciek) earlier this week and I learned something new.

Kym wanted to know what was the best weather and time of day to photograph her “juju” flat?

I would have said on a late sunny afternoon. Apparently, I would have been wrong.

Maciek, who has shot thousands of properties around the country for many a leading estate agent over the past 10 years, enlightened us that you want to have the same light balance inside and outside the flat, and in most properties (glass castles excluded), you can only achieve it on gloomy overcast days between 9am-3pm (10am-2pm during the winter time).

For exterior photography, of course, you want the sun to shine on whatever it can set its rays on. East-facing fronts are best photographed in the morning and west-facing back gardens in the afternoon.

Who could have thought!?


by Roman Grigoriev

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Event Photography and Videography

Professional Headshots

eCommerce Photography and Videography