
The power of a smile: How to show your best side in a professional headshot Discover how to achieve the perfect smile for your headshot 


A professional headshot is now a must-have for anyone who wants to establish a strong online presence. Whether you’re a job seeker, an entrepreneur, or a freelancer, your headshot is often the first impression that potential clients or employers have of you. Therefore, it’s essential to make sure that your headshot is not only professional but also showcases your best side. One of the most important aspects of a great headshot is your smile. In this article, we’ll explore the power of a smile and how to achieve the perfect smile for your professional headshot.


Professional headshot photo


Why your smile matters

Your smile is one of the most powerful tools you have in your arsenal. It can convey warmth, confidence, and approachability, all of which are essential traits in the business world. A genuine smile can make you appear more trustworthy and likeable, which, in turn, helps you build stronger relationships with both clients and colleagues.

On the other hand, a forced or awkward smile can have the opposite effect. It can make you appear insincere or uncomfortable, which can harm your credibility and make it more difficult to connect with others.

It is crucial, therefore, to understand how to achieve a natural and confident smile for your professional headshot. So here are some tips to help you do just that.


Top tips to show your best side in a professional headshot

1. Practice makes perfect

If you’re not used to being in front of the camera, it’s natural to feel a bit nervous or self-conscious. However, the more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll become. Take some time to practice your smile in front of the mirror or with a friend. Experiment with different angles and expressions until you find the one that feels most natural and confident. 


2. Think happy thoughts

Yes, it sounds like a cliché, but this one works really well! Your smile is a reflection of your inner emotions, so it’s essential to think happy thoughts when you’re getting ready for your headshot. Take a few deep breaths and focus on positive memories or experiences that make you feel happy and relaxed. This will help you to radiate positivity and confidence in your photo.


Professional headshots


3. Relax your face

Tension in your face can make it difficult to achieve a natural smile, so try to relax your face before your headshot. Take some time to stretch your facial muscles, massage your jawline, and breathe deeply. Open your mouth into a wide ‘O’ shape and then relax – repeating this a few times. This will help to release any tension and make it easier to achieve a natural and relaxed smile.


4. Don’t force it

Trying too hard to smile can make it look forced or fake. Instead, focus on relaxing your face and letting your smile come naturally. Think of something that genuinely makes you happy or brings a smile to your face. This will help you to achieve a more natural and authentic smile.


5. Pay attention to your body language

Your body language can also affect the quality of your headshot. Make sure to sit or stand up straight, with your shoulders relaxed and your chin slightly lifted. This will help you to convey confidence and approachability in your photo.


6. Choose the right photographer

It’s important to choose the right photographer for your headshot. Look for someone who has experience working with business professionals and knows how to capture your best side. A skilled photographer will also be able to put you at ease and help you achieve a natural and confident smile.


Headshots by professionals


7. Take your time

Nothing creates tension in the face and body quite like rushing to meet a tight deadline. So if you are booking a professional headshot with a photographer, don’t skimp on the time you allow yourself. It can take 15 minutes or longer for some people to relax in front of the camera before any good photos can be taken. Booking a photographer for a professional headshot is a great idea and the way to ensure perfect results – but try to allow yourself at least an hour, or longer,  for the appointment; 15 mins just isn’t enough, especially if you have two or three changes of outfit to try as well. Take your time, relax and enjoy the experience. 


Your smile is one of the most powerful tools you have in your arsenal. It can convey warmth, confidence, and approachability, all of which are essential traits in the business world. By following these tips, you can achieve the perfect smile for your professional headshot and showcase your best side to potential clients and employers. Remember, a genuine and authentic smile is always the best way to make a lasting impression.


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