
Laboratory Photography and Videography Create a visual marketing strategy for your laboratory now


Why do you need photos of your laboratories?

Photography is the first step in upgrading your marketing strategy. Building a brand can be difficult for laboratories as you balance between explaining what you offer and overwhelming with science. In many cases, you are trying to please customers that are unsure of what they need, and customers that are professionals in your field. Organisations like the National Cancer Institute and 23andMe use photos on their websites to create a professional, friendly and forward-thinking brand image that has successfully increased the profile of their organisations.

Photos are a great way to upgrade your brand image as you showcase your space, staff and work.  Use your photos for your website, social media, internal marketing, and emails and see your company come alive!

scientists in lab

Things to remember when taking photos of your laboratories

1)     Plan in advance: Know what you want to take photos of before you start. Do you want photos of your staff in action? Your equipment? Your workspace? The science? Decide ahead of time so your photographer can meet your needs. Also know where you want these photos to go, whether it’s your website or other marketing platforms, and remember to tell your photographer.

2)     Introduce your photographer to your space and staff: Your photographer has a lot to think about, such as lighting, space, angles, composition, colour etc, so make it easier for them by showing them around. Show them your laboratories and workspaces as this ensures they can make the most of your space, and remember to introduce them to your staff, so everyone is comfortable.

3)     Preparation is key: Before the photos are taken, make sure your space is as tidy and organized as possible. Ensure everyone is dressed appropriately, whether that’s in lab coats, professional clothing, or PPE. Checking clothes, hair and makeup may seem very Hollywood, but it will make sure the finished product is as professional as possible.

4)     Light! Light! Light! Natural light is best, but we understand laboratory spaces can be a bit complicated. Although your photographer will know what to do, make sure there is space for any lighting equipment they may need and ensure windows are accessible. Talk to your photographer to see what they think is best and what is possible for you to organise.

5)     Review and Editing: Many photographers, like those at Splento, offer to edit your photographs, and like Splento, some even promise a 24-hour turn around for your finished images. So, for this step, you have nothing to worry about. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your photographs.

man doing a sample test in lab

Step up your Marketing: Brand Videos for your Labs

Photos are your first step in upgrading your marketing strategy, and videos are the next step. Video offers an immersive insight into your work and space and can increase engagement across your online platforms. They can be in a variety of styles, such as animated, documentary or interviews. It’s up to you to decide what is best for your brand. Here are some examples of laboratory marketing videos to get you thinking:

national cancer institute lab

Now is the time to step up your marketing game and make the decision to create visual content for your laboratories! Luckily, you don’t have to do this alone, Splento is here to help, even remotely! Talk to Splento staff today and they will be able to help make your idea become a reality, then hire professional and experienced photographers and videographers who will bring your vision to life; check out our portfolios now. Remember, if you have any questions or need advice, then you are most welcome to get in touch with us.


Contact Splento if you are in need of:

Event Photography and Videography

Professional Headshots

eCommerce Photography and Videography