
Why you need to market with video today The new drive for video content


Television (video) media has been with us for over 80 years; the internet in its ‘current’ form for around 15 – although the style of internet that we are used to now…perhaps only 2-3 years.  The internet and its content are changing so rapidly that it is becoming difficult to keep track of all the developments. Companies and individuals are using video for marketing today like never before.

And with good reason – video content marketing is now paramount for all successful marketing strategies.

Here’s a brief rundown of just some of the reasons you should be using video to drive your marketing campaigns.

1. Video marketing will drive your business growth

Companies that use video experience 49% more revenue growth than their competitors who don’t.

Even 5 years ago, video marketing was limited by its distribution technology (landline bandwidth limits, quality and speed of signal on mobiles) so we are only just starting to scratch the surface of its potential impact. But what an impact!

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If ever there was a time to jump into video marketing – it is now, before the rest of your competitors catch on – because some already have.  You already know that being ahead of the curve is key to business success.  There is currently a limited window right now before everyone else joins you on the bandwagon.

2. Video marketing grabs – and holds – customer attention

Who doesn’t want to appear on page one of Google?  Video is now an essential element of search engine rankings – your website is 53% more likely to appear on the first page of results from a Google search if it has a video on the landing page.

Video improves SEO which means more visitors to your site!  And adding video affects two rankings – firstly in the search engine results and then also in the YouTube ones (if you use it – and there are strong arguments you should). YouTube, owned by Google, has its own search engine with its own unique algorithms.

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This is demonstrated by a study that shows video marketers earn 66% of their qualified leads through video.

Once they are there, your website visitors are less likely to bounce, since people stay on pages with videos almost 3 times as long, which is more good news for your SEO.

Today, your landing page needs video.

Video engages us in a way that text and images don’t.  The brain is conditioned to interpret video content as entertainment, so it processes the whole experience different from other forms of visual media.  Video is fun!  And so we stay and watch.

And viewers who stay on your webpage reduce your bounce rate, which means…better search engine rankings!  Search engines don’t like high bounce, so keeping visitors on your page for longer is a good thing.

Video not only brings more visitors to your door; it keeps them there.

3. Video marketing can start small and scale later

How long should your video be?  Without delving any deeper into the stats at this point, it is worth noting that video engagement appears to be solid for the first 2 minutes but then drops off.  This means that a 30-second video and a 2-minute video will be given the same attention, but beyond 2 minutes the viewer starts to lose interest. (It does appear that the trend in attention is still dropping though, so usually – the shorter the better).

Keep it short to start with.  Rather than rush out and invest in a load of new equipment that you don’t know how to use, stick to the Start Small principle and hire a video specialist to do the job for you.

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This is not as expensive as you may first think.  Splento, for example, has affordable hourly rates and provide all equipment, filming and editing.  And fast turnaround. You can find more information about their videography services here.

While we are talking about value, let’s remember that 76% of people who watched an explainer video bought the product after doing so.  And that eCommerce product pages with video convert 80% better than those without.

So a conversation about the ROI of video content marketing becomes a bit of a no-brainer.

4. People prefer video – social video!

The fact is simply that people would rather watch a video about a product or service that just read about it, and keep in mind that mobile video consumption doubles every year. In fact, video consumption online has ballooned by 100% for the past 4 years.

Even in the corporate world, 59% of executives would rather watch a video than reading text.

However, as we have seen, the central purpose of video content is engagement and is a subject worthy of an article all to itself.  But customer engagement has – along with the recent developments of the internet – brought about a new phenomenon – the Social Video.

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A social video is not an advert (in the traditional sense) – it is video content created specifically for today’s social media platforms – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and more.  With so much of our personal lives being conducted online, companies have started to realise that they can build a personal (even personalised) relationship with their customer base online, efficiently and through video.

The concept of immersive marketing is something that simply wasn’t possible before the current wave of technology – but it is vital as a relationship builds a sense of trust with the customer.

And it is this factor that is driving all the figures, sales and stats we have seen; businesses that succeed best in the next 10 years will be those that understand this new dynamic of customer relations, the power of engagement and its delivery mechanism – video.

Start video marketing today!

There is overwhelming evidence that demonstrates the popularity and cost-effectiveness of video content marketing such as incorporating it into your website, YouTube marketing or adopting the new Social Video strategies.

If you are still not convinced, then bear in mind one final thought.  Although broadband-based internet is still vitally important, almost all the above developments have come about through the emergence of mobile technologies and 4G networks.

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We are now on the cusp of 5G rollout, which offers potential we haven’t even imagined yet, but it will give almost limitless capacity and mobile connection speeds anywhere from 40 to 100 times faster than we currently enjoy.

So if you don’t get on board with the new marketing strategies now, you will simply be left behind.

Start small, test the waters and create your first video.  Watch the results, be amazed at the ROI and then do it again!

Why Splento?

High-quality video production does not mean high-priced!

At Splento, we have professional videographers around the world. We are geared to handle filming from just a one-hour booking to any size and scale.

We produce your edited video within 24 hours, and all for a fixed rate of just £149 per hour, which means we can guarantee our services will fit your budget too.

Currently, there are many projects we can still work on remotely. Contact us today for details.

Have a browse now through the Splento’s portfolio pages for some amazing examples and check here to discover for yourself how simple it is to make a booking.

Why do you need to market with video today? Video as a marketing medium is no longer a luxury – it’s an essential tool that will control the level of success of countless businesses in the next few years.

Contact Splento if you are in need of:

Event Photography and Videography

Professional Headshots

eCommerce Photography and Videography