
Top 3 creative video productions for your business


There are plenty of creative marketing strategies out there and as a business, it might be difficult to determine which can be the best for yours. If in doubt, go with video. Video content has been a relatively recent development in marketing, and has turned out to be a wildly successful tool for building your business. 

Videos can have far-reaching effects and help you engage with customers you never thought would be possible. For businesses looking to get their point across creatively and improve their online visibility, video marketing can be a powerful tool. 

When we say video, we don’t just mean advertisements and promotional videos. There’s a whole spectrum of options when it comes to videos for boosting your business. But the smart option isn’t the most popular one; it’s the kind of video that you know will set your business apart from the rest. 

Maybe creative visuals aren’t your strong suit, so go on and run your business while we provide you with creative video production ideas to help you grow.


1. Tell your product story

One of the best ways of using video for your business is to sell without pushing your product on the customers. Telling the story of your product is a great way to spread the word about it without coming across as a sales pitch.

If you have a product with an interesting backstory, try telling it through a fun and engaging video. This can be a video about the product, the making of the product or even how the idea for the product originated.

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it built social media from the ground up. Individuals with social media presence are usually looking for intriguing content, so product story videos do a great job at serving this need. 


2. Testimonial video

Most companies underestimate the power of testimonial videos and usually push it to one side as ‘non-essential’. But nothing builds a brand better than client testimonials and trustworthy reviews. Not only are testimonials a great way to build trusting relationships with potential customers, but they’re also super easy to create.

Create social proof of your product or service performance by creating testimonial videos with verified customers in order to add a personal touch to your video marketing strategy. Testimonial videos may not sound particularly interesting, but you can put your own creative spin on it, such as capturing real-time reactions to make it more catchy to the viewer’s eye. 


3. Reverse the how-to video

While most brands make how-to videos for using their products, you can take a different path for your business and make a how-not-to video. Do your customers often use your product wrong? Tell them how to use it right by showing them how to use it wrong. 

Making a humorous how-not-to video can be a great approach to creating an instructional video whilst entertaining the viewers. This way your videos can be both informational and engaging.


Companies that don’t use video content are falling behind on both search traffic as well as customer experience. To get back on track, video marketing is an absolute must!

When starting out your business, video marketing can be a tad overwhelming, but if you’ve been creating videos for a while now you might be running out of fresh ideas. Using our list of creative video productions should help promote new inspiration. 

If you find yourself struggling to create videos for your business, Splento is simply one call away. We’ve got an accomplished team of expert videographers to tend to all your business video needs. See for yourself and then get in touch today for more information.


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