
Splento 360 Product Video Offer Terms and Conditions, FAQs – UPDATED April 2022


This offer has now expired, but you can still get a free product photograph

Splento is always here to help with your amazing product visuals – take a look at our current Product Photography and Product Videography prices here – and for new customers – your first product photo is on us! Still the best, and still delivered in just 24 hours.

See our photo and video page for details – or contact us for more information.

Splento – we always go the extra mile.

The Splento 360 Product Video Offer (“the trial”) is a free trial offered by Splento Ltd (“Splento”) as an ongoing part of their testing and evaluation programme for their new 360 video service.

Under this agreement, the trial is being offered to new and existing clients (“the client”) in exchange for feedback from the client of the service provided.

Summary of the trial offer

What is being offered:

Splento will create, free of charge, one 360 product video for a product or other item of the client’s choice, subject to the conditions laid out below.

What is required in exchange:

The client will provide Splento with details of conversion rates and sales of the product, from a period of time both before and after the use of the 360 product video, to demonstrate the impact of using the video (if any) in the marketing of the product.

Terms and Conditions of the trial offer

  • The trial promotional offer is available to both new and existing customers of Splento.
  • There will be no charge or fee made for the trial video provided, nor any other monetary obligation placed upon the client.
  • The client agrees to provide sales figures (volume, conversion rates, turnover) for the product for a period of time both before and after the adoption of the trial video in their marketing scheme. This data should be for a minimum period of at least one month before adoption and one month following. This is for the express purpose of determining the impact the trial video has on the client’s sales of the product.
  • The client gives consent for Splento to use this data in any way it sees fit (anonymised on request) including for advertising and marketing purposes, and other statistical uses.
  • Splento will provide one 360 product video with a duration of up to 120 seconds, depending on the product size. The typical video duration is 60 seconds. Final video length to be at Splento’s discretion.
  • Maximum product size is cabin luggage proportions – approx. 55cm by 45cm by 25cm. There is no minimum size.
  • Splento will do its best to accommodate products similar to the maximum size but reserves the right to refuse service if it is not physically possible for this reason.
  • The clients’ background colour preferences for the video will be accommodated as much as possible, but final approval lies with Splento. Backgrounds should be of a single uniform colour. If no colour is specified then the background will be white, or any other colour that Splento deems suitable for the product.
  • Delivery of the finished video will be within 48 hours of the shoot date and time.
  • The shoot location will be at Splento’s premises, with the delivery of the product to Splento at the client’s expense. If shooting needs to be at another location (eg. the client premises), then please contact Splento in the first instance for further details.
  • Splento will, of course, assume responsiblity for any loss or damage to the product whilst it is in their possession, however, they will not be responsible for any other loss or other expense the client may incur as a result of the provision or use of the trial video. Splento’s liability is otherwise restricted to providing one 360 product video as described in these terms and conditions.
  • The trial is offered subject to availability. There are a limited number of trials being offered.
  • This trial cannot be combined with any other offer, unless by written consent from Splento.
  • Promoter: Splento Ltd, 20 Air Street, Soho, London. W1B 5AN.

Frequently Asked Questions

What level of sales data do you require that we provide for you after the trial?

Ideally sales volume, conversion rates and £ turnover for the product, for at least a month before and the month following the introduction of the 360 video into your marketing / eCommerce platform. This needs to be from all your sales channels and platforms – website, social media, newsletters, third party sellers, etc. Obviously, this may vary slightly on how you record your sales data, but what we are most interested in is the difference in sales that the video makes, so any metrics that you record that demonstrate this change. We would also welcome any other feedback or comment that you are happy to provide on the service.

Is there any cost to me for this trial?

No – the trial video is being offered completely free of charge, in exchange for the sales data described above. There is no obligation or commitment to making any order or purchase from Splento. Of course – if you like the video as much as we hope you do, and it increases your turnover, then we would be very happy to create more videos for you, if you later ask us to!

How long will it take to complete?

From shooting the raw footage, Splento will deliver the final – ready to use – 360 video to you within 48 hours. The trial should then be run by you for a month to ascertain the impact the video has on your sales/orders. If the trial is a success for you, you are free to continue using the video after this period, for as long as you wish.

Are there restrictions on how I can use the trial video?

No – it’s your video. Get it out there onto your website, social media or eCommerce platform. We want it to have a positive impact on your sales! The video that is delivered to you will be fully edited and finished and ready to upload/post.

What is the maximum size for the product you can shoot?

The maximum size we can accommodate is approximately the size of a piece of cabin luggage. If your product is close to this size, then it’s best to check with us first. Just give us a call and we can confirm it’s OK.

What is the duration of the finished 360 video?

Usually, around 60 seconds is normal for most products, but it does depend on what the product is. We can shoot anything from 1 to 120 seconds. For the purposes of this trial, the final video length is at our discretion, but 60 seconds covers most items.

What colour backgrounds can I have?

Within reason, any that you want. We will always do our best to accommodate your wishes, but we may have to restrict the colour options under certain circumstances. This is usually to do with the product itself and colour balance, lighting etc.

Can I have more than one free video?

The terms and conditions limit the offer to only one free video. Under certain circumstances, however, we may be able to produce more than one product video for you as a part of the trial. Let’s just say – there’s no harm in asking! If we can accommodate your request, then great – but equally, we know you will understand if we have to say ‘no’ to this one.

Any other questions?

If you have a question and can’t find the answer here – simply get in touch. Either with the details on our contact page or call one of the team on (+44) 0208 123 1838.


Contact Splento if you are in need of:

Event Photography and Videography

Professional Headshots

eCommerce Photography and Videography